Kids over 3 years ago by Liz Adams

10 Weeks with George

Our little Georgie is 10 weeks old today! I feel like I haven’t talked about him much since life has been a little busy. He is the sweetest little being and I can’t believe we are already at this point. As a new mom (regardless of how many kids you have), the newborn phase is hard and you find yourself kind of wishing away the early days. But then all of a sudden you’re at this point and they are sleeping more and they already look so big and you miss the days they felt so tiny.

George is such a happy boy. He just started smiling two weeks ago, he works so hard to coo and talk and respond, he is like a big sack of potatoes and so warm and fuzzy. He has been the greatest gift during this transition and I’m so grateful for him. He has blue eyes (for now), the softest skin, short little legs and a receding hairline. He is precious.

We are trying to get on a schedule but we are not on a schedule. I usually nurse him every 2.5-3 hours and I follow this awake chart when it comes to sleep. I’ve noticed with all 3 of my boys that if I catch them just before their awake time is up then they fall asleep much more easily. But some naps last 2 hours and some last 30 minutes. Regardless of his sleep during the day he is usually in bed between 7 and 8pm and will give us a 6 hour stretch. Sometimes it’s longer and sometimes it is less but he is doing great! I have followed the Babywise schedule (the first book I ever read pre-baby!) on some level for all of my boys. Here is a sample schedule:

10 week old Babywise schedule

5:20–nap *sometimes this nap doesn’t happen and he just hangs out with us, witching hour for sure!
7-7:30 (time varies here)–feed, then bedtime
*usually wakes anywhere between 2 and 4am for one night feeding.

These times adjust based on your babies age and their awake times – that’s why following this chart is so important! For example, right now George should only be awake for an hour at a time so I try to catch him at 50 minutes and he will put himself to sleep on his own! I’m really strict about this when I know he is going to get a good crib nap.

We have also been on the go a lot lately. I find myself letting him sleep in my arms a lot and never wanting to hear his cries. I am less strict about a schedule this time around because we are all trying to go with the flow right now. Luckily he is a very go-with-the-flow baby. The night wakes have lessened because he is feeding more during the day. Sometimes he clusters and will get two smaller feedings in between his wake time. Since we are together all the time I’m pretty loose about his feedings and will nurse him if he seems to want it. Breastfeeding can be sort of a mind game because it is sometimes hard to tell exactly what your baby is getting so I try to just give him as much as I can during the day! Obviously not ideal in terms of a schedule but it is what it is.

I can tell George is going through a growth spurt right now but I’m worried my milk supply won’t be able to keep up. I ordered the Baby Breeza after so many of you said it is a MUST HAVE because I know that we will introduce formula sooner rather than later.

Here are some of our favorite baby products this go around: the DockATot, Dr. Browns bottles, Nuna Demi Grow stroller and Nuna Pipa car seat, Keekaroo changing peanut and the Ollie swaddle.

If you have any specific questions about George’s schedule, leave them in the comments!

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  1. I have a 6 month old at home and he’s giving me all the baby fever still! So precious.

    Also the Baby Brezza is 🙌🏻. Game. Changer.

  2. What tips do you have for getting him to nap during the day? My baby is around the same age and fights it- even though he’s fixing me sleepy cues!

  3. Such a cutie! Is George still sleeping in your room with you, or in a crib? Our little guy is 5 days older than George and we moved him into his own room last night because I couldn’t figure out how to do an earlier bedtime of 7-8 and then tiptoe around when I went to bed around 930. Feeling emotional about this big step!

  4. When you put him down, you said you “catch” him….does that mean you feed him and then put him down? And do you put him down partially awake or fully asleep? And is he in his crib now, even at night? Oh and how’s the Merlin going?

  5. Thanks for the update! <3 I am expecting my first in June and my husband and I are in the thick of choosing a stroller. Any thoughts on the Nuna Demi Grow — i.e. why you picked it, what else you considered? We want a stroller that can grow with our family but we are having a hard time deciding between this one and the Uppa Baby Vista.

  6. Thank you for this post. My little one is 8 weeks old yesterday and I have been trying Moms on Call. I think she is still too young for a strict schedule and I was happy to see you have him on a schedule but its a loose one since he is still so young. I always do things to the extreme so I was being super strict about everything and frustrated when it wasn’t going my way. I will keep her on something but stay loose because she is still so young! P.S. I am enjoying these Sunday e-mails! I sneak out of my room every Sunday and read your blog before she gets up with my coffee!

  7. He’s so darn cute, thanks for sharing your journey!! Curious if you have nursing clothes you recommend or any go to’s? Thank you!