Skincare over 7 years ago by Liz Adams

Skincare Products that I Use and Love

The best natural beauty products to use while pregnant. Favorite pregnancy safe beauty products from Kopari, Elemis, Pestle + Mortar and Glossier.Liz Adams of Sequins & Stripes shares her favorite natural beauty skincare products. Liz Adams of Sequins & Stripes shares her pregnancy safe beauty skincare products.Natural beauty skincare products that work for pregnancy. Liz Adams of Sequins & Stripes shares her go-to beauty products for healthy skincare.Favorite pregnancy safe beauty products from Kopari, Elemis, Pestle + Mortar and Glossier.Liz Adams shares her favorite beauty products for glowing, natural skin. Post details:
Tata Harper’s Refreshing CleanserElemis’ Gentle Foaming Facial WashElemis’ Pro Collagen Marine CreamOrigins’ Zero Oil Moisture LotionOrigins High-Potency Night-A-Mins Refining OilPestle & Mortar’s Hyaluronic SerumGlossier’s Glow SerumKopari’s Coconut Rose TonerTata Harper Restorative Eye Creme

One of my most asked questions while pregnant is how my skincare routine changes and which natural products I use. A very simple response is that my routine is greatly shortened when pregnant. Mainly because I just sort of let my body do what it needs to. Hormones play a huge roll in the state of my skin and because they are highly increased while you’re creating a baby, I come to expect that I’m not going to change or better my skin while I’m pregnant. I’ll try to keep those pesky pimples and dry patches at bay but otherwise I sort of let it go. 

For the most part, my beauty routine is really simple. I use products with minimal ingredients and minimal steps. At night I’ll do a cleanser, face cream or night oil and eye cream. During the day I’ll do a serum and moisturizer with a spritz of toner throughout the day (to brighten). No preventing wrinkles, altering dry patches or fighting zits – I’m basically just trying to keep my skin clean, moisturized and healthy. 

Brands and products I love: 

Cleansers: I love Tata Harper’s Refreshing Cleanser and Elemis’ Gentle Foaming Facial Wash. Both cleansers leave your skin feeling refreshed, smooth and ready to absorb the good stuff to come. I love that both of these options are filled with good ingredients, too!

Face cream/moisturizer: I religiously use Elemis’ Pro Collagen Marine Cream. It is thick, luxurious, smells amazing and keeps my skin hydrated all day long. Day or night, it works! I’ve also been using Origins’ Zero Oil Moisture Lotion on hot summer days and it keeps my skin nice and dry. Plus it is so refreshing!

Face Oil: I’ve been religiously adding this Origins High-Potency Night-A-Mins Refining Oil to my routine and I’m obsessed. I’ll use it alone (in place of my night cream) or add a few drops to my night cream for extra moisture. I seriously notice a difference in my skin on the nights that I use this product. I wake up looking fresh faced and glowy! I highly recommend.

Serums: I am a serum addict. Think a high concentration of good stuff for your skin! I always put my serum on after my cleanser and before my moisturizer so my pores are open and ready and then the lotion locks the good stuff in. I’ve been rotating between a select few lately – Pestle & Mortar’s Hyaluronic Serum and Glossier’s Glow Serum. P&M’s Hyaluronic Serum totally intrigued me – just reading about it is so interesting! Basically this little bottle is filled with everything your skin craves. Our bodies naturally create Hyaluronic Acid and when we are young we create a high level and as we get older our levels decrease. Putting this on feels like food for the soul. It is thick and velvety and your skin will thank you! On days when I need a little boost I use Glossier’s Glow Serum. It brightens and energizes your skin from within. I like to use this during the day when my skin needs an extra cup of coffee.

Toner: You guys, I’m obsessed with Kopari’s Coconut Rose Toner. On our last trip Dave told me he was going to throw my bottle out the car window because I kept spraying it on my face. I like to use it to refresh my makeup throughout the day or first thing in the morning before the gym. It’s great to put on before your moisturizer, too! Hormones tend to cause random dry/red patches on my skin and Kopari’s Coconut Rose Toner is made with witch hazel that helps calm these flare ups. Plus it feels soooooo good once it hits your face! 😉

Eye Cream: I had just run out of my Tata Harper Restorative Eye Creme otherwise it would be photographed for this post. It’s a good one! Otherwise I like Elemis’ Pro-Collagen Advanced Eye Treatment. Nothing special! Just two that I use regularly. 

For those of you who are pregnant and looking to fight off stretch marks (or anyone looking for some extra love for the rest of your body!), here is the winning combo: Aesop Geranium Leaf Body Scrub (2x a week) and Almond Oil (every day, a little goes a long way). When we are on the go I always pack my Mustela Stretch Mark Prevention Oil

PS: Don’t forget to check out my post about essential oils and how they help during pregnancy (and real life), too!