Gift Guides over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

2018 Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts You’d Buy for Yourself

Gift Guide: For Girlfriends
Shop this gift guide: No. 1 Lake Pajamas Set // No. 2 Coco Rose Lip Tint // No. 3 USB Essential Oil Diffuser // No. 4 Self-Exploration Journal // No. 5 Lauren Joy Medium Earrings // No. 6 T3 Curling Iron Trio // No. 7 Everlane Cashmere Turtleneck // No. 8 Miele Coffee System // No. 9 Knit Mittens // No. 10 Shearling Slippers 

When I think about creating a gift guide for women I always want it to reflect items that I would genuinely ask for myself! I’m not one to really ask for gifts – usually when my family asks me what I want for Christmas I say I don’t need anything – because I truly do not need anything. However, I do have a few favorites in my closet/home that I truly feel any woman would appreciate. So I wanted to look at this gift guide as things I would ask for myself or gift to myself because we all deserve something special once in a while.

Lake pajamas are some of the softest and most beautiful pajamas I own and any pair would be an exciting gift under the tree!

You all know I love diffusing essential oils for everything (sleep, calm, happy, holiday!) and this USB diffuser would be an amazing gift idea. I love that it can go anywhere – making it perfect for travel or if you spend a lot of time in your car (morning commute needs same calming oils!). It is a great option for those just getting into oils. Sign up to get a Young Living starter kit and add that in with the diffuser, too!

I wear my Dana Rebecca Lauren Joy earrings every day but if you’re looking for more of a statement this larger size and these huggies are both GORGEOUS. 

A cashmere sweater is one of my favorite luxuries and is something I reach for day after day during the winter. This Everlane cashmere turtleneck is such a beautiful staple for every woman’s wardrobe. I love the colors and swingy shape! Everlane’s cashmere shop is a great place for holiday shopping!

One of my goals over the past year has been to take better care of my mind and body. At the end of the day I would find myself so stressed and my thoughts were scattered all over the place. This journal has been a huge game changer. I write in it every night – even if it is just a to-do list, random things that made me happy that day, things that are stressing me out – anything. It is a book of disorganized thoughts but it makes me feel so much better about everything that is on my plate. 

You always ask me about my coffee maker and it was my Christmas present from Dave last year! We are big coffee drinkers in our family so when you think about the price vs. how many cups of coffee we make – it was well worth it! 

My curling iron that I use every single day and leaves my curls shiny and my hair healthy!

I’ll never turn down something cozy: these beautiful gloves and these slippers are on my wish list!

All of these gifts are completely age appropriate! Whether you’re shopping for your sister, your mom or your grandmother (they all need Lake pajamas!) there is something for everyone on your list.