Uncategorized over 11 years ago by Liz Adams

Happy Weekend

FridayTGIF! We are back in Chicago and it is cold. The idea of leaving my little apartment to officially start 2014 seems unlikely in these negative temps but it’s time to get my act together – I’m ready to put my new calendar to work! I could also use a day to get in a good sweat session, catch up on laundry and get my nails done {obsessed with this color} before diving into the weekend. What do you have planned? We need to take our tree down and put away all of our Christmas decor – #tear – and our apartment looks like we’ve been living out of a suitcase for the last few weeks so that needs to be taken care of. Aside from housekeeping  we have absolutely zero plans which makes me incredibly happy. Dave and I just started watching Breaking Bad so a Saturday/Sunday afternoon marathon sounds like heaven to me. Whatever you’re up to, I hope your weekend is cozy and warm! xoxo

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