Uncategorized over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

Home Again

Hi friends, I’m back! After a long day of flying I am home safe + sound and happy to be back to my little apartment in the city. I have missed my desk, American coffee, the view out my window, my favorite television shows, a laundry machine, and of course, you sweet readers. Today is dedicated to checking up with all of you + organizing my life because it is currently stuffed into a suitcase that has traveled the world and needs to be put in its appropriate place. I have a few posts coming later today {and this weekend} so check back, it is exciting to have my creative juices flowing again.


December 5th marks the start of Sequins & Stripes’ Week of Gift Giving! Budget friendly collections of awesome {+ stylish} gifts for your favorite people.

Exciting {really exciting} news coming on Monday! Can’t wait to share what I have up my sleeve.

Happy Friday!

ps: In case you missed it, yesterday I shared what I am thankful for over at Breakfast at Toast.

{image via my instagram, follow me @lizschneider}