I love my cookbooks. Every month I try to dedicate a couple hours to flagging new recipes for the month ahead, revisiting old favorites or planning meals that the kids would appreciate. I think it’s really easy to get into a rut with cooking and a date with my favorite cookbook is always a way to get motivated in the kitchen. It is hard for me to narrow down favorites but I decided on 5 that contain staples for the whole family!
- The Defined Dish. Alex Snodgrass is a food blogger who I’ve followed forever and I love her recipes. They are relatively easy and she loves to take favorite restaurant recipes and make them easy to cook at home. All of her recipes are easy to follow and she has an entire section dedicated to meals for kids. I just ordered her new cookbook, The Comfortable Kitchen, and can’t wait for it to arrive! The one pot chicken and rice + hibachi chicken are two favorites.
- Halfbaked Harvest Cookbook. Tieghan Girard is incredible. I am so amazed by her creations (a must follow on IG) and her desire to make you feel warm and fuzzy through her food. Her first cookbook is such a staple in our recipe rotation but her Super Simple book is just as good. We love her ramen and pasta dishes.
- Cook this Book. I love Molly Baz. She worked in the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen (their old Youtube series are a must watch) and is COOL. Her recipes are so creative and innovative. Her golden get well soup is on heavy rotation right now and her caesar salad is NEXT LEVEL.
- Life in Balance. Maybe the most beautiful cookbook photography ever and filled with whole food recipes to make you feel good. I pull out this cookbook whenever I’m hosting and usually use it all summer when veggies are in season. Everything I have made from this book is INCREDIBLE. If vegetables make up a big part of your diet, add this book to your collection. Her grill technique for meats is also delicious – trust me this is the best book for hosting outdoor dinner parties. Fresh and vibrant! I love her tahini cauliflower and tandoori chicken!
- It’s All Good. Another staple! I love having cookbooks that focus on cleaner recipes because it’s easy for me to create a recipe that is packed with maybe things that aren’t great for you and it’s harder for me to create something healthier. So when I have books on hand that teach me to cook wholesome recipes packed with good ingredients that also tastes delicious, those are my favorites. I love her salads and her fish recipes!