Family over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

Jack’s 6 Month Schedule

Our sweet baby Jack is 6 months old! I’m always getting questions about his schedule and what he is loving so I thought I’d give you a little update. I honestly can’t believe that a half of a year has gone by with this sweet boy. He completes our family in ways that I never dreamed. He has the sweetest little temperament, is always smiling, loves his brother (so much) and is such a happy boy. He loves rolling over, playing with his toes, chewing on fingers, cuddling and belly laughing at Charlie.

Jack’s 6 Month Feeding and Sleep Schedule

*note, this is a good day. I try to stay pretty consistent with this schedule but sometimes Jack has to nap in his car seat, sometimes his naps are shorter than I’d like and he has had two ear infections in the past 3 weeks which has thrown us off a bit. One thing I’ve learned from parenthood is that sometimes you have to let go of expectations and just listen to what your child needs rather than trying to set a schedule at all times. Somedays we just have to go with the flow!

6am – wake

6:15am – 8oz bottle (Jack is on the regular Enfamil formula)


7:30am – breakfast solids, we love this oatmeal mixed with bananas or pears

8am – NAP (this can be anywhere from 45 mins – 2 hours)

9:30am – 8oz bottle


11am – lunch, usually a mix of fruits/veggies

12pm – 6oz bottle

12:30pm – NAP (usually 2+ hours) *if this is a shorter nap then he will take another 45/1 hour nap around 4pm

3pm – 8oz bottle


5pm – dinner, usually a mix of fruit/veggies

6pm – 8oz bottle

6:15pm – BEDTIME

Jack is just starting solids so we are still trying to figure out what he likes/doesn’t like. I buy his food (I wish I were that mom who had the time to make his food!) and our favorites are Plum Organics and Happy Baby! Because of his ear infections he hasn’t been finishing his bottles/eating as much so I’ve been trying fill him up a little more. 

Jack loves playing in his Skip Hop Activity Center, we love our Rambler mat (so easy for travel and folds up so nicely!), he chews on his Baby Banana allllll day long but also loves Lou Lou Lollipop teethers (we have this and this), too. 

In terms of naps, Jack isn’t the best napper – sometimes his stretches are 30 minutes and sometimes they are 3 hours. He usually takes one good long nap a day with 2 others being on the shorter side (45/60 mins). He is also going through a phase where he thinks it is cool to wake up at 4am and is so ready to start the day. I don’t get him up until closer to 6am but I’m trying to shake this! Any advice??

If you have any specific questions please leave them in the comments! xoxo

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  1. I’m a mom of two (4 and 8 mo old), they are regularly adjusted by pediatric chiropractor (their dad 😂) and never have gotten an ear infection. Sometimes re-current ear infections are caused by a misalignment in the babies upper neck cause from either bumps, Falls or more commonly at this age, childbirth (C-sec or natural). He sees a ton of kiddos for this in his practice and gets awesome results. Anyhoo! I hear the Midwest is pretty big on chiro’s so thought I’d mention. (There’s a special network of wonderful ped chiro’s likely near you, let me know if I can help). It’s safe, gentle, effective and no antibiotics 😁. Food for thought!

  2. He is adorable! I think he looks so much like you. How many ounces of formula is he drinking a day? Does he come close to finishing all 38?

  3. My little guy does the exact same thing as jack… excepts he wakes at 12am for a feed then 5am to start his day!! But like you I don’t get him up until 6am. I’m interested to hear advice on how to get rid of this as well!!!

  4. Hi Liz, looking for a play mat for my 5 month old, but having trouble understanding the Rambler from their website. In part looking for something soft since my baby tipped over from seated for the first time this weekend and bumped his head! Is the Rambler basically just a blanket that stays open, or is it softer than that?

  5. my 6 month old is the same! goes down at 6:30 pm every night and is up every day at 5 am bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to party. she doesn’t cry though, just is awake talking to herself and rolling around which would be fine except we’re in a 1 bedroom which means we’re all up at 5 am lol.