Outfit details:
ILY Couture Baseball Tee (wearing a small), J.Crew Shorts, Soludos Espadrilles, Karen Walker Sunglasses (old, similar here), Charlie’s Baseball Tee (wearing a 2T), Splendid Shorts, Native Shoes and Babiator Sunglasses c/o
Nothing like a little mommy/son twinning for the 4th of July! I love the 4th of July. I have to thank my hometown for this because they go all-out with parades, bbq’s, pool days, picnics, fireworks, etc. It’s such a fun day that I truly look forward to every single year. Some years we celebrate in Northern Michigan with friends but this year we decided to stay home because we have a busy summer ahead and we knew Charlie would love to see the parade.
When I spotted these ILY Couture tees I knew I had to get them for Charlie and myself. We don’t match very often but the 4th of July seemed like an appropriate holiday. ILY’s entire 4th of July shop is so cute – I also snagged this tank and this hoodie, just because. Make sure you order quickly to get in time for the 4th! I also ordered this red jumpsuit from Anthro to wear for the fireworks that night 🙂
We are slowly getting settled into our home! There are still random piles all over the place but I’m trying to tell myself to ignore it. The reality is that trying to unpack with a toddler is pretty much impossible. In our old place we had a few junk drawers that I really relied on for those random things that don’t seem to fit anywhere and there is no good place for that in our new house. Hopefully that will keep me more organized.
Also you guys, I don’t know if it is my pregnancy brain or the move but I can’t seem to find so many things. Important things too, like my passport (I’m so mad at myself). Hoping it turns up in one of those random piles but it really makes me want to pull my hair out. I’m just sort of a distracted mess these days. BUT, I’m trying to remind myself that it is ALL PART OF THE PROCESS. Deep breaths people, deep breaths.