I want to start this post by saying thank you so much for your comments about what you’re loving and what you’d like to see more of on Sequins & Stripes! There was an overwhelming request for more lifestyle posts and the good news is that there will definitely be a big shift towards lifestyle once our baby arrives. Fashion will always be the focus and I’m still going to maintain my weekly outfit posts once I transition to a mom but I’m definitely going to include more snapshots of our life at home, recipes, favorite products, etc. A lot of you asked for photos of our nursery and I’m embarrassed {and also a little terrified!} to say that we have absolutely nothing in our nursery. Things will be arriving in the next few weeks and once they do I’ll be sure to share photos of what we have planned so stay tuned!
Yesterday marked 60 days until our due date and although I have absolutely no knowledge of what to expect once the baby arrives, I can definitely share what has helped me get through the hard parts of being pregnant. Like I’ve said before, my pregnancy has been pretty easy and it wasn’t until recently that I started to feel some of the effects of being 7 months pregnant. I’m starting to really prep for the arrival of our little one, learn what I can, and listen to my body. I definitely can’t do everything I want to do and that’s ok. Here are a few things making life a little easier in my third trimester…1. Prenatal vitamins. These don’t necessarily make anything easier on me per se but it’s comforting to know I’m doing something good for our baby. I’ve taken one of each of these pills almost every day of my pregnancy {the DHA pill is because my prenatal vitamin contains no DHA}. I take these at night because they tend to be a little lighter on my tummy.
2. DoTerra Petal Diffuser and Essential Oils. I have always been a really consistent sleeper which is sadly is no longer the case these days. I used to fall asleep once my head hit the pillow and now it takes at least 30 minutes to get comfortable. I’m constantly making a conscious effort to roll from one side to the other, my legs are restless, and the baby loves to move around when I’m ready to rest. In the early days of my pregnancy our wedding photographer, Bethany, recommended essential oils to help fall asleep and this has been a game changer in the last few weeks. This DoTerra diffuser is timed and releases the most subtle mist – it’s a spa and silent noise machine in one. So relaxing. I can even tell Dave is enjoying it considering he has been snoring like an elephant the past few nights. 🙂
3. Almond Oil. My skin has been SO DRY and I’ve also been avoiding stretch marks at all costs. I’ve been using this almond oil twice a day – mornings and before I go to bed. I use this on my entire body but concentrate on my lower stomach, hips, and chest to prevent any stretch marks. I’ve also used this Belly Balm on just my stomach and chest on days I need some extra moisture. *Make sure to layer with a tank before getting dressed because both products will soak your clothes if you don’t let them dry!
4. Back & Belly Body Pillow. I don’t use this pillow all the time but on days when I’m on my feet for too long or my back is bothering me it offers a huge amount of support when I’m finally able to lay down.
5. Hanky Panky Low Rise Boyshorts. Pregnant bellies vary from woman to woman but my lower belly is super super tight with a really harsh incline making it uncomfortable to wear anything but loose dresses or soft fabrics. Even underwear was uncomfortable once I started growing at a faster rate. I’ve always been a fan of Hanky Panky but these boyshorts are super comfortable and low enough to expand with your growing belly! I’ve also been wearing my low rise thongs but from what I’ve heard, boyshorts are going to be my best friend postpartum.
6. Ovia Pregnancy App. I have a few apps on my phone but this one is by far my favorite. It provides up to date info on your baby’s growth, offers a calendar for your entire pregnancy, makes it easy to track appointments, has really informative updates for every week of your pregnancy, has a food safety lookup feature {I’ve used this a thousand times throughout my pregnancy}, medication safety lookup, and symptoms lookup for everything under the sun, and allows you to track your activity, sleep, weight gain, nutrition, and blood pressure. It’s literally everything you need in one!
7. Pregnancy books. I’m just starting to read up on our baby’s arrival and the three books I’m currently reading are Bringing Up Bebe, On Becoming Baby Wise {all about getting your baby on a sleep schedule}, and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Have any of you read these? My mom sleep trained with me and she claims she can still see a difference in my sleeping schedule compared to my siblings to this day. I plan on breastfeeding and have heard amazing recommendations about La Leche League. Any other suggestions??
8. Nike Roshe Running Shoes. Walking has been my means of transportation these days and Nike Roshe shoes are both comfortable and stylish. I’ve been wearing them with all of my dresses and love getting outside while also getting some sort of exercise. They are also light enough to throw in my bag if I need to switch it up for a meeting! I’ll usually stop and do 5 sets of 10 squats/lunges on each leg throughout my stroll for some quick toning.
Ok momma’s, what else would you recommend for the last 60 days?!