Uncategorized over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

Take Note: April

Just a collection of items to note for April! I can sense a very clean palette on my wish list for spring. Don’t you love the color in the LR wedges? That bright indigo is such a pretty hue. If you can’t tell, I’m a sucker for wide leg pants and I love the lightness of this chambray pair. Honestly, I just love it all. The jewelry, the wrap skirt, and that YO! iphone case
Thank you for all of your amazing Living suggestions! Seriously so so helpful. I already added ten or so Etsy shops to my favorites. Alex told me about Kari Herer and I already ordered three of her prints for our bathroom. I also pulled the trigger on this mirror and ordered this console to go under the TV in our bedroom {again, thanks to Alex‘s suggestion – the perks of working with an interior designer}. Also, I loved reading through all of your comments on Friday. I have a laundry list of new blogs to read and it was so nice to get a peek into my reader’s lives. It’s crazy to see so many similarities between all of us.