Uncategorized over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

What Fall Means to Me

This week marks the official start of fall {Saturday to be exact} and I wanted to share a few things on my list to accomplish before the holidays roll around:
Exercise before work and get dressed up everyday. 
Call those that I haven’t spoken with in awhile.
Visit an apple orchard. 
Host a dinner party in our new place.
Don’t fall asleep to the TV, instead start a good book {nightly Friends episodes are my weakness}.
Make the most of each day. 
Walk instead of drive.
Say please and thank you more, just because.
Cook some yummy soups.
Light a candle no matter what time of day it is.
Make some homemade cider.
Don’t stress about tomorrow.
For some reason, I feel that fall is my new year. Summer is hectic and the cooler air brings a feeling of productivity and determination, which is a welcome change to an extremely busy three months of weddings and weekends away. I finally feel like reality is setting in, and with Alex and I moving into our new office this week, I am ready to start making the most of my days without distraction. The days are getting shorter, and now more than ever I feel like I need to cram anything and everything into the twelve short hours of light that we have available. 
Does fall make you feel this way too? More productive? Maybe it’s that back-to-school feeling I had for so many years, but it is one thousand times better knowing that it is my own business that I am driving with my hard work. What is giving you that extra push these days?
{image of me in this jacket, this bow, and this bag}