The elbow patch, a lovely accent to any sweater and/or blazer. This classic detail has been a favorite of mine for awhile, and seems to make its comeback every year when the weather cools down. It usually pops up in leather and suede, but has been showing face this season in sequins and beads. No matter what you fancy, I highly recommend you invest in this timeless style.
1  AUTUMN CASHMERE Suede Elbow Patch Sweater  2  SEE BY CHLOE Cropped Elbow Patch Sweater  3  HETTERSON Striped Patch Sweater  4  ZADIG & VOLTAIRE Cashmere Gold Elbow Sweater  5  LANDS END CANVAS Elbow Patch Sweater  6  HALOGEN Elbow Patch Sweater
How do you feel about the elbow patch? Is it a yay or nay for fall?