Ask Liz 7 months ago by Liz Adams

Coffee with Liz • June 28, 2024

Are any of your boys strong willed? What advice do you have? Mom of 2 boys! I’m tired!

YES! My oldest is very strong willed and most situations aren’t just an easy yes or no situation. I’ve learned that we have to have longer conversations so he can fully understand why he can or can’t do things. We sit down and remind him the parent/child relationship and that we are trying to keep him safe and certain things are not allowed for certain reasons. It takes a lot of patience!

What’s your favorite show on TV?

I honestly don’t watch a ton of TV – but I love Friends, The Office and I watch a lot of documentaries!

Do you have any summer body product recs? (self-tanner, body perfector, firming lotion, exofliatior)

I love U Beauty’s Body Resurfacing Compound (exfoliates!) and Super Hydrator! I also love the Brazilian Bum Bum Body Cream that helps tighten and firm (it has caffeine in it!).

Coming to Charleston for 4 days next week! What are your MUST do’s?

Visit a beach (I love Sullivan’s Island!), grab lunch at 167 Raw or their sushi restaurant, walk around downtown and pop into the shops on King Street, do a walking tour with Walk & Talk CHS, grab oysters and fried chicken at Leon’s, get in line early for the most insane dinner at Chubby Fish, have drinks at the Citrus Club on the roof of the Dewberry, grab coffee at Harken and walk the Battery, grab dinner at Post House in Mount Pleasant. This is a small sampling and I’m working on my updated Charleston guide right now, coming soon!!

What are products around your house that you have made “clean” and what are some you will never change/get rid of?

I would say I’ve made the biggest switch with my skincare/beauty products. Also laundry detergent but I also love Tide for sweaty workout clothes. My countertop sprays and wipes are clean. But I also like Bleach, I usually only wash my fruits/veggies with water, I love Crest toothpaste. It is hard! Big believer in balance and that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, just do your best.

Tell us all about your collab! What was the design process like?

Collaborations are my favorite part of my job! It is so fun to be a part of the design process with a brand that you respect/admire. I was approached in the fall about doing a small collection with Fanm Mon and I immediately said yes! I started by creating a Pinterest mood board (seen here) with inspiration for fit, colors and design. Then Sophia presented me with some rough embroidery ideas and the silhouettes that they already had available if we wanted to use those or adjust others. We edited some of the styles, created the Jack shift dress and the Sullivans set. I knew I also wanted to do a tote bag so that was fun to incorporate! It is a lot of back and forth with thing tweaks, color adjustments, embroidery placement and adjustments and fit checks. To see the final collection come to life is so exciting!! I’m so glad you all are loving it.

Any post hot yoga face wipe or face wash recs?

I am a big face washer vs. wipes and Tula’s Purifying Cleanser is still my favorite!

Have you done a primary bedroom tour? I would LOVE some inspo!

I have not! Honestly the space isn’t really complete yet – we still need new dressers and I’ve just been sort of stuck with finishing it. I think I’m going to have a built in made for this one wall. I’ll share an update soon! But you can see our primary bathroom here 🙂

What has been your favorite age? (age of you!!)

Hmm – good question! I feel like maybe the year right out of college when I was really selfish and just felt like a really true, honest version of myself. But also I would say the year after I had Jack, 2018, because I felt like I settled in to who I was becoming as an adult, letting go of expectations and worry. It’s funny because in the years since then I feel like I’ve reversed a little bit, moving to a new place and starting over. But not in a bad way! In an exciting, next chapter of life way. And feeling more responsibility as a parent, mother and business owner. Every year brings something new.

Just advice for a 33 year old single gal and most friends married with kids?

Don’t compare your own situation to anyone else’s. Embrace the season of life that YOU are in. Allow the freedom of your life to be incredible and give you opportunities that others don’t

Summer camp schedules and work are making me feel crazy! What are your go to de-stressors?

I am in a really big moment of feeling like I need a big “let the fuck go, Liz.” Second guessing myself, insecure in my parenting, out of routine and sort of just feeling like I’m juggling a lot and everything is a hot mess. We leave for Wisconsin today and I recently bought this pretty notebook and I’m determined to write in it every morning. Even if it means waking up 10 mins before everyone else or giving myself space to release some of the shit that builds up in my mind. Also, always getting outside, walking, exercising, closing my eyes and listening to this song. Just making time to give myself a break.

Which season do you feel like you have the most routine? I assume it’s not summer.

Definitely fall because we are back to school and I feel invigorated and motivated coming off summer! But then it always quickly gets chaotic with Q4 and the holidays sneaking up on you.

High protein snack ideas?

Cottage cheese with lemon juice and chili flakes, apples with cashew butter and cinnamon, cheese and cucumbers, salami and carrots. I’m going to share my girlfriends protein bars this week because they blew my mind!

Do you ever think about owning a second home somewhere? Where would it be?

Yes! We would love to own a second home on a lake somewhere or do some sort of rental here in Charleston!

Any tips for keeping on track with nutrition while being away from home?

I don’t feel like I have good tips for this accept to try your best. I hate feeling like I have to sacrifice the things that bring my joy (eating! cooking! having a glass of wine with my family!) because I’m feeling stressed about my nutrition. I’ve come to terms with the fact that at the end of the summer I’m going to be a little fluffier. And that’s okay! I do try to exercise every day if not every other day. I don’t snack much just by nature so I try to make sure my meals are protein packed and healthy-ish. I’m also a big believer that the more you stress about it, the harder it is on your body so just let it go a little bit!