Self Love over 4 years ago by Liz Adams

Adjusting to the Changing Seasons of Life

Hi friends! I feel like I’ve been MIA here. Not on purpose, simply because life seems pretty repetitive lately with not much excitement to share. When I used to miss a day or two of posting on my blog I would feel a huge amount of guilt but such is life these days and I’ve learned that I can’t always force something that isn’t coming to me.

Life has been strange. I feel like over the past four months I’ve gone through waves of not believing what is happening in our world, to sadness for the change, to resentment and isolation and fear of the unknown. As someone who thrives off of routine and control the past four months have been a wake up call to LET IT GO. I’m grateful for that. It’s also been a tough adjustment to creating a new normal that can sometimes feel exhausting balancing two kids at home, a business, a household and normal everyday life. It’s an emotional rollercoaster that seems to keep going around and around with no real end in sight.

On the other hand, we have another baby on the way! A bright, shining star in a world that sometimes feels very dark. I feel like this gift has come at the perfect time and I’m realizing the importance of giving in to the change of pace. We feel so lucky to be able to grow our family and it has definitely brought along some perspective to what lies ahead. Despite this JOY that has truly taken over our house, I’m feeling a shift inside.

In all honesty, I’m feeling a little meh. Unmotivated and uninspired, maybe. Instead of disguising this with more, more, more (which is what I usually do), I’m realizing the importance of letting go. Letting go of expectations for myself, of a timeline, of what others are doing around me. Letting go of trying to keep up with the race. Instead, I’m choosing to let myself take a deep breath and remember why I started. Remember the things that not only bring me joy but bring you joy, too!

I think somewhere along the way I let life get lost in the feed a little bit. Too focused on capturing the perfect photo and realizing the best part was actually just outside the frame. I’ve felt this shift for awhile and I think spending so much time at home and with my family and now visualizing our family growing has only brought things into focus. Home. Adams Family. The whole reason that my corner of the internet was rebranded was for the little footsteps around my house. The corners of my life that are more important than the products and the outfits and the stuff (don’t get me wrong, I love the stuff too).

I think what I’m trying to say is that if this season of life has taught me anything it is that it’s ok to LET IT GO. I think ultimately it has led me to a place far more balanced and happy than where I was before. We are in charge of our choices, of our paths, of our directions. I think for me it took putting my job behind my family (I’d like to think that I have been doing this all along but sadly not always the case) to really see the imbalance. So now I’m determined to make this place better for me and my family and most importantly, for you. Beyond the pretty picture there is so much more to see.

Thanks for sticking with me on the quiet days, sometimes those are the most important for all of us!

xoxo, Liz