Health & Fitness over 5 years ago by Liz Adams

My Workout + Meal Plan • Week of October 28, 2019

Shop the post: Calia Sweater (wearing a small), Calia Woven Pants (love these! wearing a small), Reebok Sneakers (true to size)

My Weekly Fitness and Workout Plan

After a few weeks of travel I am so ready to get back into a groove! We are going to a friend’s lake house this weekend which means I want to have a healthy week to make up for all of the fun we plan to have. I feel like I haven’t cooked a meal in so long that I’m excited for a week of meals and night’s at home. Since incorporating more exercise into my routine and finding a healthier balance with food I feel like my goals/mindset are always focused on balance. This change has allowed me to stress less about the weekends or days that feel indulgent and not feel guilty about having a little fun! 

I so often get emails from you all asking how I got into a routine or changed my idea of working out from having it be a task to something I want to do. My answer is always that it is just part of my day now and something I feel guilty about NOT doing. But it’s been a 20 month journey! My biggest tip is to find something you love and stick with it. Don’t try to do something you’re not good at or you don’t enjoy! For example, don’t let me sharing my runs on Instagram Stories convince you that you have to be a runner if you hate running. Let it encourage you to book a workout class you haven’t tried before or grab a friend and go to the gym. It’s all about finding what works for you because ultimately that is what will lead you to find a routine that you love. 

Remember that some weeks you’re on and some weeks you’re off and that’s ok. But getting your body to a place where the bad days don’t affect you as much helps big time! I used to go away for the weekend and easily gain 5 lbs because my metabolism wasn’t working with me and bad foods + alcohol would just STICK. Working out consistently has helped change that and now my body is running more smoothly even on the days where I don’t exercise. And remember, diet is EVERYTHING. It took me a long time to realize this but your best results will happen when you streamline your eating habits. A big thing I try to focus on is eating LEAN, CLEAN and GREEN 85% of the time and then I don’t feel as guilty about indulging in some cheese or chips or everything else that I love. Again, finding a healthy balance that works for you! It’s not going to happen overnight  but hopefully these posts help you make a small step in the right direction. 

Shop the post: Calia Sweater (wearing a small), Calia Woven Pants (love these! wearing a small), Reebok Sneakers (true to size)

Download a blank template to make your own weekly workout + meal plan here!