Holidays over 8 years ago by Liz Adams

Our Holiday Cards

Our Holiday Cards with ShutterflyOur-Holiday-Cards-6

There is something so nostalgic about holiday cards. I have vivid memories of specific photoshoots with my siblings ending in tears, pulling hair and pinching each other while my mom tried to get the perfect picture for family and friends. My mom was always very serious about holiday cards. Ours were three fold and contained one photo and yearly drawings of what the holidays meant to us. I love going back and looking through our cards over the years. It is a trip down memory lane.

Our Holiday Cards with ShutterflyOur-Holiday-Cards-7Our Holiday Cards with Shutterfly

When Dave and I got married I was so excited to design our first Christmas card as a family. Our last card was a reflection of our wedding in 2014 and this year we had to celebrate the greatest gift of all, Charlie. We worked with Shutterfly and chose this whimsical Starry Holidays Greeting Card to introduce our loved ones to our baby boy. Talk about two busy years in the Adams household!

Our Holiday Cards with ShutterflyOur-Holiday-Cards-8Our Holiday Cards with ShutterflyI love that you have the ability to add some personal words on the back of their designs, making your holiday cards that much more special. We decided to use our holiday cards as a sort of birth announcement for those of our family/friends who haven’t had the chance to meet Charlie yet. We also included a photo of our family of four which makes me so happy – Webster is always trying to make sure that he is still our number one baby (which he is!). Now that our cards are complete it really makes me feel like holidays are here! The most wonderful time of the year.

Family photos by Tim Tab Studios.

This post is sponsored by Shutterfly. Share and celebrate your family update. Shop Shutterfly for personalized holiday cards that are unique, meaningful and that are just the way you want.