Living over 11 years ago by Liz Adams

Be Grateful

FridayMy week is ending on a sad note as I am currently in Kansas saying goodbye to my grandmother who closed her eyes for good earlier this week. She was 91. Can you even imagine being 91? What a trooper. My dad comes from a town of a thousand people in central Kansas. They have one traffic light, no clothing stores, 2 restaurants, and one motel. My grandfather owned the auto body shop in town and my grandmother was the first female president of the Bank, and together they had 3 kids, the youngest being my dad. My dad is obsessed with family – obsessed may even be an understatement, and I think this stems from his amazing parents. Sadly, I never had the opportunity to meet my grandfather, he passed away six months before I was born which means my grandmother had been alone for 27 years. She had never left this sleepy little town where she grew up, met my grandfather, built a home and raised a family. She mowed the lawn until she was 84, baked the most amazing homemade cinnamon rolls, would make my sister and I matching outfits, and was really just the most wonderful woman I have ever met. So today we are headed to central Kansas to celebrate her beautiful life.

I always tell my family how lucky I feel to have this little town in my life. Living in a big city, and being a part of a world that is filled with competition, material things, lies, judgement, greed, and dishonesty can weigh on you. This town is like a clean slate. The world moves a little slower, people go unnoticed, the surroundings are raw and things are perfect just as they are. Something everyone could use a dose of from time to time. I am so thankful to have my dad who carries these same ideals with him to this day, who keeps me grounded, and who has taught me the power of being grateful. All thanks to his parents, my grandpa and my Gogo. May she rest in peace.

So just be grateful, it’s a good reminder for a Friday. Have a great weekend + thanks for reading! xo