Uncategorized over 11 years ago by Liz Adams

Happy Weekend


Woohoo! Don’t you love summer Fridays? They are just way better than regular Fridays. This week flew by in the blink of an eye {which I am anticipating the weeks ahead to be the same}. We are off to our first wedding of the season so I am packing up my favorite weekender and headed to Michigan. I can’t decide between this, this, or this dress for the wedding – any suggestions? Granted I have five more on the horizon so they will all get worn eventually!
On a completely different note, come Monday Google Reader will be no more. So, I highly recommend following S&S on Bloglovin’ to stay up to date with happening’s over here! It is pretty much the same and is what I have used to follow my favorite blogs. You can follow S&S here.
Another way is to join Feedly which will completely transfer your old Google Reader like nothing has changed! If you’re already signed up you can follow S&S on Feedly here. And as always, you can find me on InstagramPinterestFacebook, and Twitter
What are you up to this weekend? Whatever it is I hope you have some fun in the sun!