Shop over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

Loeffler Randall Pre-Fall

Can we please talk about these?
I have a serious obsession with Loeffler Randall. It started with these, and then these {on sale!}, and now I want these {also on sale}. Here’s the thing, I’ve never been a huge shoe person. I am not going to spend $900 on a pair of Christian Louboutin’s, just to say I have a pair of Christian Louboutin’s. I like a shoe with character, and I think Loeffler Randall is the perfect price balance between inexpensive and super expensive. I mean don’t get me wrong, they still cost a pretty penny but you are buying amazing quality, novelty, and a shoe that packs a punch. Well worth it in my book.
That being said, I would gladly wear each and every one of these darling shoes with a classic little shift dress, and then I would skip down the street because serious happy feet would ensue. Don’t you agree?