Gift Guides 9 months ago by Liz Adams

14 Gift Ideas for Kids

holiday gift ideas for kids

Glowing Bath Time Buddies, Becco Backpack, Poop Bingo, Bop It!, Young Wild and Friedman Slime, Charades for Kids, Kids Digital Camera, Digital Clock, Pop It Game, Plop Stain Free Bath Colors, Jellyfish Lamp, Glow in the Dark Football, Blockaroo Magnetic Foam Blocks, Air Toobz

I am so proud of this gift guide for kids because I feel like I actually did my research on this one instead of just sharing what has worked for us. Finding good gift ideas for kids that span many ages can be tough. Wonderworks is an amazing store in Charleston, #IYKYK, and I chatted with the owner about the tops gifts this season. We purchased a few of these for Jack’s birthday and then holding on to some for Christmas. Along with some personal Adams family favorites that we’ve had in our home for awhile. This list is a hit for all ages!

Gift Ideas for Kids

Breaking it down by age:

1-3Y: Glowing Bath Buddies, Blockaroo Foam Magnetic Blocks, Air Toobz
4-6Y: Poop Bingo, Young Wild and Friedman Slime, Pop It Game, Digital Camera, Charades for Kids, Becco Backpack
7+: Glow in the Dark Football, Digital Clock, Bop It!, Becco Backpack, Jellyfish Lamp

Personally, Charlie and Jack have this jellyfish lamp and digital clock in their room and they LOVE THEM. Necessities in our nightly bedtime.

I bought the boys these Air Toobz at a local store for Christmas. I also bought the extension set and truly feel like they will be a hit with each one of my kids ages (2, 6, and 8). Check you local stores or sign up to be notified!

I was told these Blockaroo’s are a HIT with younger ages (2-3). Soft and easy to stack AND can go in the bath!

The Young, Wild and Friedman sets and slimes are AMAZING. Trust me when I say they don’t get stuck in your carpet or clothes (as long as you don’t let them sit for too long). They aren’t sticky at all.

Check out our gift guide for her, gift guide for him and gift guide for the hostess!