Liz over 4 years ago by Liz Adams

Practicing Daily Gratitude

Shop the post: Ulla Johnson Dress (wearing a 4), Soludos Heels (old, similar style here), Loeffler Randall Belt Bag (old, similar here and here), Dana Rebecca Lulu Jack Necklace

Practicing daily gratitude is something I’ve been trying to do more of since Thanksgiving of last year. I remember reading an article (I can’t remember where!) about shifting your mindset to being more grateful of certain situations rather than resentful or disappointed and how it can affect your mood. I thought to myself “I should try this!” and of course life got busy and stressful and the idea of being grateful of situations that drove me nuts went out the door.

Fast forward to January and spending a couple weeks with my family and away from work. Charlie was acting out and I remember looking at him and instead of reprimanding or disciplining him I thought to myself, “I love you SO much.” I gave him a hug and told him that I loved him and the issue was over. It was a simple reminder that in my (usual) weakest moments of annoyance or frustration, I’m so grateful for all of it.

Obviously we all have our moments and my kids do things every day that warrant a punishment or me to REACT. But I feel like this mindset of going into these situations with a grateful heart (when I can, ha) have helped me become a more patient mom, wife, friend and person in general. So where do you start? I started small! Every morning in my planner I write 3 things that I’m grateful for. It’s become so consistent now that it is the first thing I think about when I wake up with my coffee. Some days it’s silly stuff like bagels or a glass of wine at the end of the day and other days it is for the obvious things like the health of my family. Just start somewhere!

What are three things you are grateful for right now?

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  1. I love this post! For about a year, I have been (imperfectly) writing down in my planner (the Commit30 planner which I LOVE) each day 3 things I am grateful for that day. I found it really helps me review the day and remember all the good parts. As for the part about kids acting up and trying not to always reach or punish them, I just read about a similar mindset when googling how to deal with resistant 4 year olds (lol – the post called it the “f*ing fours”). It suggested that 4 year olds will act out in order to seek attention, and any response, even if negative from the parent, is a kind of reward for them. So I am trying hard to ignore bad behavior more (not saying it is ok to behave that way, but literally paying no mind), but focusing more on what the kid does right and telling them. I think this also helps remind me that my kid does do good things and is a good kid in general. That helps the whole gratitude practice in turn!

  2. My health! Being unemployed because it means I can head in the direction I want and not be tied to a job I hate. Also, a great tight knit group of friends! I know how hard it can be as an adult to have friends, so I am extra grateful for weirdo friends just like me! Love this post Liz!

    Katie /

  3. Thank you for this post! I’ve been feeling down all day, I needed this reminder to just be grateful! ❤️✨

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

  4. This is such a great reminder! I have a grateful journal that focuses on highlighting what you’re grateful for each day and would would make the day amazing – then in the evening you write what made the day amazing and how you could have made it better. It’s a great way to shift your focus and reflect on your days!

    I am grateful – the health of my family, our sweet home I love so much, and fresh laundry that is making the house smell sooo good!

    xo Laura Leigh