On Charlie: Santa Tee, Stem Joggers, Ugg Boots
On Jack: Tiny Tribe Sweatshirt (sold out, another favorite here – worn here), Printed Leggings (sold out), Freshly Picked Moccasins
On Charlie: Santa Tee, Stem Joggers, Ugg Boots
On Jack: Tiny Tribe Sweatshirt (sold out, another favorite here – worn here), Printed Leggings (sold out), Freshly Picked Moccasins
As crazy as this time of year may be, I always find myself thinking about how much has happened in just 365 days! Favorite memories, moments with my kids, vacations, significant successes with work, milestones – 2018 was a really good year. I plan to do a big recap of 2018 before the new year but I wanted to share an important goal that I’m focusing on for 2019.
The world is a funny place these days. Social media is constantly reminding us to do more, be better, find time to do it all, be more social, read more books, get to the gym…you know, the list goes on. When I think about 2018 I feel like I was two different people – work Liz and mom Liz. There was no in between, they both had to mold together because in reality I’m full time at both. My days were a blur of responding to emails, fitting in projects, pushing my kids naps so I could get the photo, feeling exhausted and behind and spread too thin.
The reality is that as much as I’d love to do it all, I can’t do it all well. Eventually leading to me being increasingly distracted/stressed out on the days my kids are home with me and not truly savoring all of those moments that mean the most to me. Work/life balance will always be a struggle in this industry but it’s definitely a priority for me as we enter a new year. So my #1 personal goal for 2019 is…
to be present.
These boys. So much changes in just one year! Like last year, I’m going to be taking some time off during the holidays to just be present with my family and start 2019 off on the right foot. Because before you know it, your little babies become these busybodies who don’t need you to hold their hand anymore! I swear I blinked and Charlie became an adult. He has more fun saying “no!” to me compared to anything else and Jack wants to be just like him! Those moments where you take a step back and watch your little people becoming big people, those are the instances that I don’t want to miss. These smiles are so special to me.
Now that both of my kids are on the move, I’ve found a new kids brand that I’m obsessed with for days that we are out and about! Tiny Tribe has the cutest prints and coolest tees with a good message. All of these pieces can arrive by Christmas Eve, in case you have any fun plans after the holiday! We leave for Charleston on the 27th and I’m packing a bunch of these pieces from Nordstrom! If you have a daughter, please get her this or this.
What is a personal goal you have for 2019? Something that doesn’t feel commercial. I’d love to hear in the comments!
A huge thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!