Health & Fitness over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

My Fitness Journey Since Having Baby #2

Shop the post:
Nike Tee (my favorite! On sale, wearing a small), Zella Leggings (I own these in almost every color, wearing a small), Adidas Sneakers (TTS)

One of my most frequently asked questions is about my workout routine, diet and general lifestyle since having our second baby Jack. When I sat down to write this post I thought about the difference I have felt since having Jack compared to having Charlie and I think it is important to reflect on my two experiences and how my fitness journey has been different the second time around. 

Having Charlie threw me for a loop. The beginning was a rough transition and once I finally fell into a groove it took me awhile to dedicate time to myself again. I was fully devoted to whatever schedule Charlie needed and in turn I really didn’t start getting back into shape until Charlie turned one. I remember a week or two before his first birthday I scheduled a full body analysis at Equinox in Lincoln Park, went in for my appointment, got my numbers/body percentages (yikes!) and signed up for a trainer on the spot. You can read more about that journey here. 

Fast forward 6 months and I get pregnant with Jack and I am probably in the best shape I had been in a loooong time (definitely since college). Getting to that point took dedication. I was working out 6 days a week (3 days with a trainer, 3 days cardio on my own) and Charlie came to the gym day care with me and it just worked! To be completely honest, I was so proud of my body at that point. I had so much energy and really didn’t have to sacrifice too much of anything. However, I am a true believer that once you get into a healthy habit it trickles down. I read somewhere it takes 21 days to create a habit and I 100% felt that way with working out. If I missed a day I was super disappointed in myself. It just became a meeting on my calendar. I need to get back to that point…

Ok so throughout my pregnancy with Jack I was pretty active! I was working out 4 days a week and chasing a toddler and if a day got away with me it was no big deal. I listened to my body and I gained around 26 lbs while I was pregnant with Jack so nothing too bad. This time around, when I was cleared to workout at 6 weeks, I booked weekly sessions with a trainer almost immediately. I needed to find time to dedicate to myself and with two kids I knew the importance of this more than ever. I have seen definite results with my trainer but there is no doubt that my body is slower to bounce back after baby #2. Right now my exercise consists of weight training with my trainer 2x a week and cardio 2x a week (usually running or stair master). On the days that I don’t get to the gym I’ll run outside and I always use my apple watch to make sure I get in 10K steps a day. 

I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve never been the naturally super skinny girl. My metabolism is slower, I carry weight in my hips, my stomach and my arms and if I eat poorly then you’re going to see it. I still have about 5 lbs to go to get back to my pre-baby weight but this time around I’m realizing the importance of diet more than ever. So in the last couple weeks I’ve decided to make a significant effort in switching up my diet. I’m going to decrease my consumption of carbohydrates, dairy and sugar and increase all of the good stuff. Do I think that this is something I can maintain in the long term? No. However I’m going to make it a point to feel like the best version of myself by the Fall. I’ll keep you posted! And be sure you’re following me on IG because I love to keep you all updated on my workouts and what I’m eating in my stories.

This time around I’m more understanding of the process. Nothing happens overnight and most weight loss experiences are trial and error. It took me 1.5 years to feel like myself after Charlie so giving myself 9 months with Jack is nothing. I think it is important to remember in a time where social media standards can be completely discouraging that there is only one you. You’re only going to take a step towards what you want if you really want it! Don’t worry about how someone looks in a top or what jean size they are wearing – it’s all relative, honestly. Also, be stronger than your excuses. This quote is my favorite motivator. I could bitch all day long about how I have two kids and I work for myself and Jack wakes up early and I’m tiredddd, wahhh. No one gives a shit. Be stronger than your excuses and I promise it will be worth it.

I am going to be doing a Q+A with my trainer (a ton of you left some amazing questions on this post!) and if you’d like your question included then please leave it in the comments! Sorry this post is so candid/all over the place – I just kind of freely typed out what I’ve been feeling and wanted you all to know that I’m still trying to chug through the process. More updates coming soon! Promise!


Shop the post:
Nike Tee (my favorite! On sale, wearing a small), Zella Leggings (I own these in almost every color, wearing a small), Adidas Sneakers (TTS)