Outfits over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

5 Ways to Immediately Feel Happier

Shop the post:
Free People Dress (wearing a small), Dolce Vita Heels, Sensi Studio Tote, Karen Walker Sunnies

Shop the post:
Free People Dress (wearing a small), Dolce Vita Heels, Sensi Studio Tote, Karen Walker Sunnies

Sometimes we all have shitty weeks and we just need a reminder that feeling happier is only a few steps away. Right? I’ve been feeling like I’m in a rut the last few weeks. I think because we have so much going on and I have been feeling super discombobulated. We are staying at my parents house right now while we are in the height of construction at our home, living out of a suitcase and completely off our schedules. I haven’t sat down at my computer for more that 30 minutes in weeks and I’m just behind on life. But it happens! And when I have bad days I feel like I’ve mastered a few tricks for feeling HAPPY. 

  1. Play your favorite tunes! My go-to bands that ignite happiness: The Lumineers, Head and The Heart, John Mayer, Hamilton Soundtrack, old school Eminem.
  2. Get outside. When I’m having a rough day I always find time to take Webster to the park. Sitting in the grass and breathing in fresh air while he roams around is one of my favorite ways to de-stress.
  3. Do something selfish. Go get a manicure, plan drinks with girlfriends, get your favorite latte, go to a new workout class – do something for you!
  4. Put the phone away! Checking out of reality is a huge stress reliever! The less I look at my phone, the more calm I feel. 
  5. Give yourself a compliment. This may sound silly but honestly it works. If I’m having a rough day I’ll close myself in the bathroom and give myself a pep talk in the mirror. It usually goes something like this “Liz, I know you had a rough day but I want you to know that you can do this. Not every day is going to be easy, these days make you stronger.” And then I’ll start singing Kanye West – “that, that, that, that, that don’t kill me – can only make me stronger!” And then I’ll start talking again – “You’re doing everything you can to parent your kids to the best of your ability, to love them and to make them feel safe. Tomorrow is a new day! You’ve done it before and you’ll do it again. You’ve got this!” I’m basically my own best friend.

What brings you happiness?