Family over 7 years ago by Liz Adams

The Importance of Routine

In August we put Charlie in day care two days a week. It has definitely been an adjustment for our little family as we watch our sweet boy explore the world without us. I dropped him off with a pit in my stomach and counted down the minutes until it was an appropriate time to pick him up. I know each day gets easier but I can’t help but feel this inkling of pain for the future and missing the past. Time goes so fast!

With this new routine comes the pressure to hold on to a schedule that make our days consistent. Regardless of the new, I know that Charlie looks forward to our mornings and nights so I want to make sure that with change comes something familiar. This is especially the case with our nighttime routine, which starts with Huggies OverNites Diapers.

The first day we picked Charlie up from day care he looked like he was run over by a truck of exhaustion. It clearly was a little shock to his system and a reminder how important a great night’s sleep is to a successful day. Our routine is pretty simple: we eat dinner around 6pm, play until 7pm, bath at 7:15 and into his favorite nighttime diapers. In typical boy fashion, Charlie could happily be naked or in a diaper forever so we usually read a few books and give backrubs before getting in jammies and sharing our final hugs before bedtime.

As soon as Charlie is asleep I like to prep for the next day by filling out my calendar, making our to-do lists and grocery lists and visualizing the week ahead. I always like to have our days in order so that we are prepared for whatever comes our way. Thanks to Huggies OverNites Diapers I know that each morning will start with a happy, smiling, chatting Charlie ready to start the day. The best reminder that day care was a good decision and a great night’s sleep makes all the difference.

This post is sponsored by Huggies OverNites Diapers.

Huggies OverNites Diapers are designed for sleep and 25 percent more absorbent, so you can give them a hug that settles and soothes without worrying about nighttime leaks. Try Huggies OverNites Diapers at nighttime to experience a sounder sleep, guaranteed. Learn more at #HugThemAllNite #ad

Guarantee Legal Language: Purch. by 11/5/17.  Mail in by 11/30/17.  Online access req.  Limit 1 per HH.  Restrictions apply.  See  for details.  US only.


This post is sponsored by Huggies OverNites Diapers.

Huggies OverNites Diapers are designed for sleep and 25 percent more absorbent, so you can give them a hug that settles and soothes without worrying about nighttime leaks. Try Huggies OverNites Diapers at nighttime to experience a sounder sleep, guaranteed. Learn more at #HugThemAllNite #adGuarantee Legal Language: Purch. by 11/5/17.  Mail in by 11/30/17.  Online access req.  Limit 1 per HH.  Restrictions apply.  See for details.  US only.