Outfits over 8 years ago by Liz Adams

Why It’s Important to Give Yourself A Break

liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (8 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (10 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (12 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (13 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (14 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (17 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (15 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (16 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (18 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (20 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (21 of 21)-1liz adams chicago fashion and lifestyle blogger (11 of 21)-1

I haven’t been feeling like myself lately (probably 5 weeks). I finally went to the doctor yesterday to get some blood work done. She told me my body is showing signs of stress which apparently I’ve been letting build up over the past few months. I am trying to give myself a break and practice what I preach a little more. I feel like I need to press a reset button. Not get so caught up on my phone, do things that I enjoy and spend more quality time with the ones I love. I also need to dedicate more time to myself – reading a book in bed, closing my computer, relaxing, taking naps, cooking…(this list goes on, ha!). I just need to be and let be. Something we all deserve once in awhile. Let’s talk why it’s important to give yourself a break…

Do you ever feel like you’re watching the world go by behind your phone screen? Ugh. I hate that. There are mornings where I feel so guilty watching Charlie play while I’m also scrolling through instagram. It is the age that we live in and I guess these moments are inevitable. Sometimes it feels like everything is on a timer. I’m always in a rush to get things posted or respond to an email when I should be in a rush to be by Charlie’s side. These thoughts are the reason why we all deserve a break. A break to breathe, a break to stare at the wall, a break to not feel the pressure of those around us, a break to stay in our pajamas all day, a break from makeup…a break to just be. So on this random Wednesday this is a friendly reminder that your phone can wait and that there is no rush to finish your to-do list. Liz said so, so it is totally fine 😉

You know those items in your closet that you wish you had in every color? That would be this top. It is swingy without being overbearing and works for both day and night. I love that it is shorter so it doesn’t completely drown your figure. It hits right at the waist so you can still see your shape. Club Monaco just released my top in white and I am so tempted to buy because you can never have too many white blouses. 

My favorite open toe booties from last year are back in stock. The wedge version has been hugely popular too (super similar to Chloe’s famous wedge). They are super comfortable but also one of my most stylish shoes. I love that they can be worn into fall with dresses, flared denim, etc.

Alright, love you guys! Hope you’re having a great week! xx

Outfit details: Club Monaco Top (wearing a small), Abercrombie Denim (TTS, wearing a 27), Loeffler Randall Bag, Marc Fisher Shoes

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  1. go girl. i totally feel you- sometimes it seems like my baby girl is growing up so fast and i’m missing it!

    glad you took a break.

    xo, brittany
    a dreamy porch makeover is on my blog today!

  2. I NEEDED THIS TODAY. You have no idea. I get so overwhelmed trying to juggle everything (full time job, growing blog, new photography business) that I feel like I lose sight of the things that are most important — the amazing people in my life! I’m definitely too hard on myself and I think a lot of us are. I think a break is in my near future 🙂

    Natalie | Natalie Was Here

    P.S. – love the outfit!

  3. Taking care of yourself is number one priority. I’m going through the same phase and recovering. It is baby steps. So I try to make sure I dedicate time to unwind. I am so amazing how you are able to handle motherhood and everything else going on!


  4. Such an adorable top, and, well, overall look! I’m not sure any of us can ever hear this advice enough. It’s so easy to say, yet so hard to actually do! I don’t even have kids yet, but it still feels like life goes a million miles an hour. Hope you have a relaxing rest of the week and weekend!


  5. I have the same booties but in black, and I absolutely love them! They are one of the most comfortable pairs of heels I own (if not THE most comfortable) and they are perfect for going out at school and in the city on weekend nights. You make me want them in your color too!!

    Love this post!
    xo, fran

  6. Great reminder, and I hope you take it to heart and take some time to unplug and refresh! Love this outfit, especially the top. Can’t get over everything new at CM…too cute!


  7. Love this! So timely too in our over scheduled, busy lives. I personally have been on this journey for a while…trying to figure out my right balance daily to make me feel accomplished yet enjoying my life away from technology. If you want a great pod cast to check out that talks about our thoughts and how they affect our emotions and ultimately how we feel along with other awesome nuggets to start getting us to think how we can create everything we have ever wanted…look up Brooke Castillo with The Life Coach School. I don’t work for her but have found her and just LOVE her. What ever you might be feeling…you can find a podcast about it. Liz you seem awesome, a great Mom, friend, sister, daughter and wife. Enjoy how awesome you are:)

  8. I love this post and feel exactly the same way. I’m reading Chasing Slow right now and I think you would really like it. It’s forcing me to rethink certain aspects of my life and to implement some much needed changes in terms of how I spend my time. It’s a good read (smile).

  9. Yes, definitely agree. I’m taking a “sabbatical” from my job because it had been years of complete stress and unhappiness that bled into every area of my life. Financially it’s not always easy (my impulse to jump every time J Crew says 30% off is strong), but I just knew I needed a break and it is worth it for the improvement in my health and sanity.

    I will say reading this made me realize that I’m grateful that all of my social media usage is personal, not professional. It’s such a time suck, and I definitely feel myself getting tense and agitated when I spend a lot of time trying to stay up to date all day. Since my accounts are mostly pictures of my dog and various baked goods I’m eating or want to eat, I can definitely ignore them for a while when it stops being fun.

  10. I totally feel you on this. I’ve been having these same thoughts and hate to think that my Lucas (age 1) would think my phone is more important than paying attention to him. Consequently, I’m working hard to keep the phone away when he’s around – not always easy in a 24hr world (especially when you work in communications) – but I’m definitely better. Hopefully, he’ll remember looking up and seeing my smiling face and not me looking at my cell.