I have a trainer 3 days a week and our sessions are early (6am). I have been sharing our workouts on my snapchat – @lizadamsss – and I can’t stress enough how much motivation this has given me to get in shape. It is definitely expensive (which is why I hope my snapchat videos help give you some extra inspo at the gym) but it is the first time I’ve actually invested in myself and it feels so good. Results aren’t immediate. My trainer told me it takes one month to notice a difference, two months for your friends to notice and three months for everyone else! I’ve learned to enjoy the experience and not put so much pressure on myself.
Everyone tells you that weight loss doesn’t happen overnight but we all want to believe that it does. I’ve learned to be grateful for little victories along the way. That feeling of progress is what helps you to push forward, even when you feel like you’ve plateaued. Here are a few things that work for me…
- Get measured. This part sucks. It was a HUGE wakeup call for me, especially realizing that my body fat percentage was POOR for my height/weight/age. Not only will getting measured help you to see the progress you’re making but it helps you to look at your body in a different way. It definitely pushed me to make a change.
- Take progress photos! Honestly, my weight has only dropped a few pounds in a couple of months. Mainly because I am losing weight and building muscle. Also because I haven’t put myself on a crazy diet but just generally eating healthier. That being said, I see a significant difference in my body when looking at photos from week 1. I have lost 4 inches off my abdomen, 1 inch off my arms, and .5 inch off my thighs. The scale may not show a huge difference but the pictures show progress!
- Be vain. This sounds bad but nothing drives me to hit the gym or be healthy more than someone telling me I look good!
- Switch it up. I swear my body has changed because I’m constantly changing my workout routine (thanks to my trainer) or really pushing myself with cardio. My trainer has me doing cardio intervals 2-3 times per week and it has really changed my workout game. I still enjoy taking classes but I’m competitive with myself when I do my intervals. Bumping up a level/speed or pushing myself to do it an additional 5 minutes. If the weather is warmer, get outside! We have an empty parking lot at the end of our block (pictured above) and I’ll get in a few sprints, jumping jacks, walking lunges or high-knees whenever I start/end a walk with Charlie and Webster.
- Give yourself a break. For me, I can’t let losing weight be a lifestyle change for me. Whole 30 would never work. I refuse to put myself on a strict diet 7 days a week (although I try to eat super healthy Monday-Thursday). The process of losing weight has to be something you enjoy, otherwise I think it is easy to go from one extreme to the other (i.e.: working out hard/eating healthy for a month to not working out at all/eating poorly). It’s all about balance and I think that is what helps me really push myself during those workouts. Knowing that I can still treat myself later but in that moment it is all about making my body stronger and working to better myself.
Now that I’ve been working out consistently for a few months, I’ve become extra obsessed with activewear. Old Navy has a great collection with a price point for everyone. I love their high-rise compression leggings and Go-Dry performance tops. A great place to find cute stuff for the gym!
Outfit details: Go-Dry Performance 3/4 Zip, Go-Dry High Low Performance Tank, High Rise Compression Leggings, Steel Water Bottle all c/o Old Navy, Nike Thea Air Max Sneakers (size down 1/2 size)
In collaboration with Old Navy.