Shop over 8 years ago by Liz Adams

Why NYFW Is Not For Me

new york fashion week outfit ideasLet me preface this post by saying I feel extremely lucky that I have ever been or continue to be invited to New York Fashion Week. It had always been a bucket list item and after attending for three seasons I definitely had my fair share of pinch me moments. However, I also realized that the grind of NYFW is not for me.

I didn’t start blogging to be a fashion blogger. I wanted to share my personal style, fashion that interested me, photos of my life in Chicago, favorite local spots, etc. It never dawned on me that it would become a business and I would be given opportunities to fly to New York to attend runway shows, events, meet with brands – the entire thing is pretty special. I started blogging because I enjoyed it, made a connection with my readers, without even imagining it would eventually be a business. This was before social media, before so much more information was shared, and before it felt as competitive as it has become.

My priorities have shifted in the past year. Being a mom has become my main job and my website has sadly taken a back seat. I don’t get dressed every day, the reality of my life is not a fashion show and to be honest, being in the fashion week environment always made me feel homesick. Since having Charlie I have turned down a lot of opportunities that don’t feel authentic to who I am anymore. If I am going to dedicate time it is going to be quality over quantity and I want everything to come from a positive place. Being at NYFW, for me, never made me feel very positive about myself. Yes it is so much fun to see friends, catch up, grab dinner, etc. but otherwise it brought on a lot of comparison. Most likely self induced and my own fault, but not an environment I enjoy.

I feel extremely lucky that I get to work with brands that I love and YOU love. Brands that I get to build relationships with and specifically create content that I know you all can relate to. It’s really important to me that this site always inspires you and comes from a place that is attainable. NYFW is an amazing opportunity (and don’t get me wrong, I am for sure stalking all of my friends that will be there!) but just not me scene.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t dream about what I would wear if I were attending the shows and catching up with friends! Let’s just oooh and aaaah at these outfits, k?


Shop the post:  Chloe Sunglasses  //  See by Chloe Dress  //  Gucci Bag  //  Loeffler Randall Heels  //  Elizabeth Cole Earrings  //  Bobbi Brown Gloss in Tangerine  //  Topshop Top  //  Red Valentino Pants  //  Scalloped Flats

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  1. Love this post, lady! Your authenticity always shines, and I am so grateful for your friendship! Cheers to a wonderful day ahead!

  2. Love this – thanks for being authentic to who you are. It keeps your blog genuine 🙂 But can we talk about those pants????? So perfect!

  3. Liz I LOVE this post and your honesty!! Thank you so much for sharing. I feel I would be very much like you if I did attend Fashion Week. I’d love to do it once and then be done. Crossed off the bucket list as you said.

    xo Laura Leigh

  4. You become more endearing by the day, Liz. I relate to your feelings 100% and respect you for remaining transparent and authentic. Cheers to you and your family!

  5. Appreciate your open and honest response to NYFW. I have to say I agree. I attended the Toronto Fashion Week and while the glitz and glam was pretty exciting, I can’t say I enjoyed the “clique” feeling I got while there and the party all night scene. I’m much more comfortable at home, in my small town, with my hubby and kids. While I love fashion and dressing up, I prefer to do it in my little corner of the world. Cheers! xx Rox-Anne,

  6. Liz, thanks for always keepin it real! It was you who introduced me to the world of blogs after I got a Loft email where you had been featured. Years later, and many other blogs followed, you are still my favorite. Your posts are short and sweet, relatable and a nice escape during the workday. Thanks for doing you and sharing with us!

  7. I get serious fomo when NYFW rolls around, but I’m similar to you in that I started blogging as a creative outlet, and I’m just not the fashion week “type” – aka socializing with a lot of people I don’t know makes me nervous, and there’s far too much comparison going on. I’m also not at all a fashion blogger – lifestyle blogging is much more my speed. Kudos to you for staying authentic and not going just because it’s “the thing to do”!

    Alyssa @

  8. love this! this is exactly the reason I still follow your blog after losing interest in so many that seem unattainable and unrealistic. Some of my favorite bloggers went from JCrew/Nordstrom to Givenchy and Valentino and lost me! I’m also a working Chgo mom, so appreciate it when you keep it real.

  9. Liz, I don’t comment much on posts, but I had to on this one. I have been following you for a couple of years now and this post just solidified WHY. You are true to yourself and it really shines in all that you do. Thank you for being so authentic (and having amazing style for you and your little man).

  10. Thank you for sharing this honest perspective! As someone who can sometimes get the comparing/less than positive feelings that you describe (especially from social media), it is refreshing to hear that you, one of the people that I admire via your blog and social media, can also feel that way. This is why I love your blog! My favorite posts are still the lifestyle, Chicago, Charlie posts – thank you for always keeping it real! xx

  11. I love this post. I HATE NYFW coverage by bloggers because very few offer any real insight & many put on this act. I cannot handle the complaining about being soooo tired or their feet hurting soooo much. There are only a handful of bloggers who truly belong at these shows & the rest should just be thankful that they got this opportunity.

    I don’t mind the bloggers who do acknowledge that and are honest about it. If I were invited to a show, of course I’d go! But I also think there’s a way to write about it where you do not have to pretend like you’re a VIP that has sudden industry knowledge.

    I will also say that there are many shows or presentations that make sense, like Kate Spade. It feels natural and it’s a brand that many bloggers do actually wear. But I wish bloggers would just be honest about their experience because I would say very few are attending simply because it’s a crucial part of their job.

  12. Your blog is always my favorite! Thank you for always posting honest, relatable content, and irresistable fashion/baby/home items — the best pieces in my wardrobe/baby’s wardrobe/house are generally found on your site!

  13. Thank you for this post! You keep it real and it is so refreshing. You stick out from the sea of blogs for this reason.

  14. This is a great post. There are too many blogs out there now that started out as realistic and now it’s just are beyond anything that I could ever imagine being able to afford. Part of the reason I read blogs is to be able to get new ideas and direct links to products. I appreciate honest opinions on things. But when a sweater is almost $600…no thank you. I love your blog because you are truly authentic, funny, smart, and compassionate. You are also reasonable with purchases (because…life). I will be a forever reader. Also…you are my favorite on Snapchat!

  15. Thanks for keeping it real! Other bloggers seem to overdo their NYFW experiences and it just comes off as fake. Love your blog!

  16. Love this. posts like this are why I follow you when I have stopped reading most other blogs. You are the perfect mix of relatable/aspirational and have never really seemed to try to be something that you are not. I love your outfits (and Charlie’s for my son too) and they are mostly things I would wear myself. I appreciate that you are staying true to your evolving self.

  17. I read this post while I was at fashion week and it made me feel SO much better. I felt crazy for feeling homesick and out of place during what should be an amazing time. Thank you for sharing this and helping me to realize I can be a blogger and be true to myself without needing to go to fashion week!