Health & Fitness over 9 years ago by Liz Adams

Working On My Fitness

Carbon38_3Carbon38_7Carbon38_1Carbon38_11 Carbon38_12Tis the season for some extra workouts, am I right? With all of the indulging I’ve been doing these days I have made sure to clock some extra hours at the gym. What is your go-to workout routine? Before our wedding I signed up for my first barre class at The Dailey Method and you guys, I’m obsessed. For years I had balanced between running and yoga but boredom got the best of me and my workouts became few and far between. I needed a kick in the butt and TDM was the answer. My trouble areas are concentrated from my waist to the middle of my thighs and TDM targets every insecurity, perfectly. Not only is it an amazing workout but I love the sense of unity in each class. It is my favorite way to start the day!

Workout wear is a huge part of my motivation to get my butt to a class. Do you agree? Waking up, pouring a cup of coffee, making the bed, and getting into my favorite workout gear is a huge factor in whether I make it to the gym or not. A big part of actually getting there is mental and I swear that cute workout clothes completely determine how good I feel in a class. Carbon 38 is my new favorite shopping destination for cute, fun, comfortable and stylish workout gear. Their brands range from all different price points and I love that their collection is filled with items that you wouldn’t find anywhere else. Shop my favorites below!

Shop the post

Leopard Leggings c/o  //  Fleece Jacket {similar}  //  Fast Tank c/o  //  Nike Sneakers

A big thank you to Carbon 38 for sponsoring this post!