Collage Posts over 11 years ago by Liz Adams

Best of the Web: Volume 8

Best of the Web Volume 8This week’s best of the web is inspired by a healthy dose of COLOR. I am so ready to retire my winter clothes and put a little pep in my step with a blast of brights. A few favorites to note: some new plates to brighten up our tabletop situation, I would live in this Mara Hoffman shirtdress all spring/summer {actually loving everything Mara Hoffman this season}, the new NARS Multiple stick will provide the most perfect sunkissed cheeks, all about this little neon Sophie Hulme bag, thinking about adding these palm pillows {the same ones from our office!} to our patio decor, and loving the color of this J.Crew skirt.

Shop the post:

1  Furbish Studio Palm Print Pillows  2  Steve Madden Ponyhair Espadrilles  3  Loren Hope Lola Necklace  4  Ray-Ban Colored Aviators  5  J.Crew Fluted Skirt  6  Agate Coasters  7  Tory Burch Earrings  8  J.Crew Printed Heels {love these too!}  9  The Fashionable Cocktail Book  10  Mara Hoffman Shirtdress  11  Sophie Hulme Bag  12  C.Wonder Ikat Plate  13  NARS Multiple Stick  14 Crystal Crush Bobbi

…and a few more, just because…