Outfits over 11 years ago by Liz Adams

Outfit: Snow Leopard

Well, it has been snowing for about four days straight here in Chicago and you can only stay bundled in the same sweater for so long. I am thankful for some bright lipstick and my pretty new Lauren Merkin bag for brightening up my outfits around here. Especially when running to meet a client who is feeling the same winter blues as me. I live near this gorgeous home who thinks it is appropriate to keep their Christmas lights up year round, which I really adore {ours are lit up on our porch year round, too!}. They make for a pretty lovely background in the snow, so I will take it. Truth be told, I’d prefer it to snow if the temps are going to stay in the teens, it makes Chicago extra pretty. 
On a separate note, happy birthday to my baby brother! Also, ignore the snow in my face.
{photos by Emily}