Living over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

My Heart is Heavy

Although I may not have been directly affected by the Sandy Hook shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, I know that the world is grieving for those families that lost a loved one on Friday morning. Amidst all of the happy things I portray on this blog, and the material things {that seem so silly at times}, and because it is the holidays, and this time of year my heart seems to explode with emotions and thankfulness; I want to extend my arms to those in Newtown. As beautiful as this world can be, it is also a very scary place. So, hug your loved ones a little tighter over the next few weeks {and every day}, count your blessings, pay attention and don’t take your days for granted. You never know when they can run up.
God bless those sweet, innocent children and all those grieving in the world.