I get so many questions about what our mornings look like around here so I thought it was time to break it down. Our days are all kind of different for a few reasons. Charlie goes to preschool/daycare Monday-Thursday, Jack goes to daycare Tuesday-Thursday, Tuesday and Thursday I leave to workout with my trainer at 7:30am and on Fridays we have slow mornings! Generally here is what they look like:
I like to naturally/hopefully wake up around 5:30am so I can sneak downstairs for a cup of coffee/emails/catch up on blog posts alone before the boys wake up. Jack usually wakes up around 5:45am but we try not to grab him until 6:15/6:30 and Charlie can wake up anywhere from 5:45 to 6:45, usually it’s on the earlier side of that window. Once the boys are awake we always let them watch a show of some sort and ease into the day. Dave usually gets up between 6:30-7 too so we are all downstairs hanging out!
We usually make breakfast for the boys between 7:15/7:30. Breakfast for the boys can be a few different things. They love waffles with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, cereal with yogurt (this is the brand they love!), peanut butter bananas, applegate turkey sausage, smoothies, and cinnamon toast to name a few! Some mornings I’ll take them to Starbucks so they can get a bagel and watch the trains go by.
By 7:45 we are grabbing clothes for the kids, getting them dressed while they are playing and we are never really in a rush to get them to school but it’s usually between 8:30 and 9 (Charlie’s preschool starts at 9). On the mornings that I workout with my trainer, Dave tackles getting the kids out the door and to school! On Mondays Jack and I will drop off Charlie and then go to the gym, on Wednesdays I’ll drop them both off and then go to the gym and on Friday we let our mornings be slow!
I always get questions about our coffee maker which is a SPLURGE but so so worth it. Dave bought the Miele CM6150 for me for Christmas 2 years ago and it is legitimately the best cup of coffee ever. Worth every penny when you think about how much money you can spend buying your coffee on the go! You can get my Yeti mug here that keeps my coffee warm throughout the morning chaos.
I try to slip in moments to work in the morning as often as I can because for some reason it’s the easiest for me to write in the morning. Before I had kids I always worked my best from 6-10am. It’s been a difficult adjustment because I feel my brain slipping as the day goes on – ha. Anyone else relate?
Working out has become an important part of my morning routine. I usually workout 6 days a week and that means my kids come with me a lot! On Monday and Wednesday I’ll head right to the gym at 8:30/9 after drop-off to do cardio. On Fridays I’ll bring both of the boys with me (they LOVE the kids club!) and sometimes I’ll work for 30 mins after in the cafe just to get caught up. Then the rest of the day is ours! On the weekends we go to the gym around 8:30am (when your kids are awake for 2 hours before this it isn’t that early) followed by soccer on Saturdays and swimming on Sundays for Charlie!
Overall our mornings are early and probably exactly what most houses look like with two toddlers. Just trying to get all of our days started on the right foot! If you have any specific questions leave them in the comments!