Shop the post: Pink Tunic Sweater, AGolde Jeans, Abercrombie Socks, Victoria Emerson Bar Necklace, Victoria Emerson Crystal Wrap Bracelet, Coffee Mug (old but similar here!)
Shop the post: Pink Tunic Sweater, AGolde Jeans, Abercrombie Socks, Victoria Emerson Bar Necklace, Victoria Emerson Crystal Wrap Bracelet, Coffee Mug (old but similar here!)
I love the start of a new year for so many reasons (an excuse to get back to healthy habits, a reason to buy a new planner, a few slower weeks at home after the craziness of the holidays), but Jan. 1 can also come with a lot of personal pressure. Does anyone else feel this way? One day I’m drinking wine and celebrating New Year’s Eve with my family and then 24 hours later I’m supposed to start training for a marathon, eat kale salads, and clean out my entire closet. While I definitely have lots of personal goals this year (you can read more about that here), I’m starting to see January more as a transition month that we all need. For me, that means making small, gradual changes that will set the tone for the entire year ahead. I recently wrote down five mindsets that I want to adopt in 2019, and thought I would share them with all of you!
Five Healthy Mindsets to Adopt This Year
1. Start Somewhere
This has been one of my biggest hold-ups in the past—having this huge list of things I want to accomplish and then getting overwhelmed by how to start tackling it. (Especially when #momlife means my brain isn’t fully working half the time…) I’m trying to focus more on taking on big projects one small task at a time, like sitting down to address twenty emails from my inbox or focusing on two healthy homecooked meals versus trying to plot out the whole week. All these small efforts add up over time!
2. Choose to Be Content
No matter what you do, it’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game. So many times I’ll find myself scrolling through Instagram and thinking that I should be doing everything differently. I thoroughly believe that one of the biggest hold-ups to success is trying to become someone you’re not! I’m really trying to focus less on what could be and be present in my current stage of life, especially if that means being more in the moment with my family!
3. Be the Leslie Knope of Whatever You Do
I’m obviously a huge fan of Parks and Rec, and one of my favorite characters is Leslie Knope. No matter what crazy scenario gets thrown her way, she somehow finds a way to stay positive. Since I want to be a cheerleader for everyone in this little #HelloAdamsFamily community, my goal is to find more ways to bring a little positivity to your day. Maybe this means sharing when we had a personal victory, maybe this means sharing one positive thought each morning. I think we can find even more ways to encourage and lift each other up this year!
4. It’s Okay to Have Bad Days
At the same time, not every day is going to be perfect. You’ve probably heard me talking about progress over perfection—that’s my new attitude. Sometimes Charlie or Jack gets sick or a project may take wayyy longer than anticipated, but just because I didn’t get everything crossed off my to-do list it doesn’t mean the day is a wash. The best part about having a bad day is that we get to start over again in the morning.
5. Self-Care is How You Take Your Power Back
It took me a little while to discover this, but taking time for myself is so, so important to my role(s) as a mom, wife, business owner, friend, daughter, etc. It’s totally okay to take a minute for you, especially if it means you will be more present in all your other interactions that day.
I recently set aside a few quiet minutes on a Sunday to drink my coffee and sit in my favorite chair, wearing one of my coziest sweaters and my new favorite Victoria Emerson bracelets. I love how her bracelets are lowkey but still lovely and bright. Something to look down at throughout the day and make you happy!
What have the first two weeks of 2019 been like for all of you? Any new mindset shifts of your own that you’re hoping to make this year?
Do you follow me on Pinterest? It’s one of my favorite sources of daily inspiration—you know I love a good inspirational quote.
Thank you to Victoria Emerson for sponsoring this post!