Family over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

Moments with My Kids that Make Me Smile

Shop the post:
On Charlie: YEAH! Sweatshirt, Rebel Graphic Tee, Drawstring Straight Denim, Camo Print High Tops
On Jack: Stripe Tee, Baby Blue Leggings

Parenthood is a constant struggle between excitement with each phase and celebrating when your kids learn something new versus complete depression that with everyday that passes they are growing a little bit older. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the days are long but the years are short. Way too short.

Charlie will be 3 years old in September (what.) and Jack’s first year of life has been a complete blur but at the same time watching these two become brothers has been the greatest joy. I love picturing them walking hand in hand to school, falling asleep cuddled close to one another, snuggling up on the couch for a movie and experiencing life together. It’s these moments where I picture them in 5 or 10 years and I see a perfectly clear image of what life will be like and how lucky I truly am. These are the moments that make my heart so happy.

Doesn’t Charlie look like he should be in third grade, pushing other kids around at the playground? You would never know he is such a peanut! Recently, Gymboree sent us some cute fall outfits for the boys and on a chillier morning last week we ventured to the park for breakfast. Gymboree has always been a staple in the kids’ fashion industry but they just revamped their entire brand and are going back to their roots with quality products that are on trend and super comfortable. 

Charlie’s sweatshirt kills me. I feel like it was made for him since “YEAH!” is pretty much his expression/response for everything. Paired with the cutest drawstring jeans (that are so super comfy) and the coolest high tops for fall. Camo print and leather? Yes, please! Also note: Gymboree has some really fun graphic tees for kiddos – I want this one for myself, ha. Trust me when I say that Jack’s outfit is the softest thing I have ever felt. I have washed his tee 3 days in a row just so it is clean enough for him to wear around the house. The stripes are so sweet too – the perfect little outfit for a baby boy. We already ordered him this sweater, these jammies and I think he needs a velour track suit, right?!

I highly recommend Gymboree’s newest arrivals. They have completely revamped everything and I have been impressed by everything. The perfect time to stock up for back to school which is sadly right around the corner (wahhh). 

Shop the post:
On Charlie: YEAH! Sweatshirt, Rebel Graphic Tee, Drawstring Straight Denim, Camo Print High Tops
On Jack: Stripe Tee, Baby Blue Leggings

In partnership with Gymboree. 

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  1. Your blog is one of my favorites to check in the morning (PST) especially when you’ve written about your family. I love all the fashion, fitness, skincare etc…but those two little boys remind me so much of my boys now 19 and 16.5. Time goes so quickly. Watching my boys become good friends and develop their relationship over the years has probably been one of my greatest joys as a mother. As I told you before you had Jack, they will have each other long after my husband and I are gone. Your family is so much fun to watch. Thank you for letting people like me in. You certainly don’t have to do that and your blog content would be enough without it. However, you, your husband, your beautiful boys, your parents are all delightful. Keep soaking in those moments and take lots of pictures!! You’ll be so glad you did.