Family over 6 years ago by Liz Adams

Step by Step Routine for a Great Night’s Sleep


I have to believe that as a parent one of the biggest stresses is your child’s sleep schedule. Considering our sleep is fully dependent on Charlie’s sleep, we are constantly working to make sure he is on a routine. Obviously things get in the way – travel, sickness, schedules, seasons changing – but Dave and I have picked up a few tricks to ensure Charlie stays on a schedule. 

With daylight savings time we planned on taking advantage of an extra hour of sleep, but we were careful to not let it have an effect on our bedtime routine. We always want to make sure that Charlie is aware that bedtime is at a specific time, which can prove to be a little complicated during daylight savings. So to help ensure some consistency, we stick to the following steps:

  • dinner
  • bath time
  • put on a Huggies OverNites Diaper (the best!)
  • apply baby lotion
  • put his stuffed animals to bed (his new favorite thing!)
  • change into pajamas
  • fill diffuser with lavender oil
  • play for 20-30 minutes
  • warm up a bottle
  • read 3 books with blankie
  • goodnight!

For us it’s all about consistency and we have trigger points that symbol bedtime is coming. For example, after dinner Charlie now knows that we walk right upstairs to the bath. Some days this isn’t totally necessary but the warm water and calming scent helps him wind down from the day. After we wrap him in a towel he walks to his room and grabs a Huggies OverNites Diaper for us to put on. He knows that the “boo” (read: blue) diapers are his nighttime diapers, which is kind of adorable. We follow this up with lotion, jammies and we bring him downstairs for a little more playtime while his milk warms up. After 20-30 minutes we grab the bottle and as soon as he see’s it he grabs his blankie and knows that it is time to go upstairs to read books before bed. 

Regardless of a change in our routine (like Daylight Savings Time or traveling), this consistency is a comfort for Charlie and for us. We are thankful for products like Huggies OverNites Diapers that offer 12 hours of protection to help ensure Charlie is settled and soothed all night long. 

In collaboration with Huggies OverNites Diapers.

This post is sponsored by Huggies OverNites Diapers.

Huggies OverNites Diapers are designed for sleep and 25 percent more absorbent, so you can give them a hug that settles and soothes without worrying about nighttime leaks. Try Huggies OverNites Diapers at nighttime to experience a sounder sleep, guaranteed. Learn more at #HugThemAllNite #ad
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