Collage Posts over 7 years ago by Liz Adams

What We’re Buying for Baby #2

Liz Adams of Sequins & Stripes shares what we are buying for baby #2

Shop the post:
Little Unicorn TowelPuj Flyte BathtubMedela Freestyle Breast PumpDockATotBaby Jogger City Mini GT Double StrollerDrop Humidifier, DoTerra Petal Diffuser, Dohm Sound MachineFawn Diaper BagBjorn Soft Mesh Bouncer, LouLou Lollipop SwaddleMilkbarn Jammies, Mustela Baby Products Newborn Set, Embe Two Way SwaddleBabyletto Lolly Crib, Ubbi Diaper Pale

I have been getting a ton of questions about what items that we’re buying for baby #2 and I wanted to share everything on our list! There are a few things that we are re-purchasing, like a new diaper pale, and others that I’m excited to try thanks to some of my favorite mama recommendations. 

Puj Flyte Bathtub – There are a few things I learned about bathing a newborn. 1. The big tubs are completely unnecessary. 2. I prefer a tub that fits in a sink so I’m not leaning over a bathtub. 3. It is important to find a tub that is not prone to mold/mildew. Exactly why I’m drawn to this Puj Flyte tub that my friend Becky recommended. It is phthalate free, bpa free, and lead free. It does not absorb water, making it mold/mildew free and hands easily to dry. It also folds up for travel! I’m excited to try this.

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump – I used and loved this breast pump with Charlie and just restocked on all of the tubes and spare parts for baby #2. I loved how efficient and easy this is to use. It is battery operated so it doesn’t have to be plugged in (making it easier to pump on the go) and all of the pieces are easy to wash. 

DockATot – Have any of you tried this? I’ve heard amazing things. We don’t plan to co-sleep with the baby but I think this might be a good option for just general naps around the house. I’m still trying to decide what we will have Charlie sleep in in our room. Charlie slept in the Fisher Price Rock and Play for 6 weeks (I know I’ll receive backlash from people but that’s what worked for us) next to my side of the bed before we moved him to his crib. I’m also considering the SNOO. I’d love your thoughts!

Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller – I’m still torn about an easy double stroller that can handle to be beat up a bit! We have the Nuna Pipa Infant Car Seat which we will use again so I need a stroller that is compatible. We have and love the City Mini GT so it seems appropriate to get the double. Any other favorite double strollers that you guys love? 

Fawn Diaper Bag – I still use and love this bag for Charlie and will continue to use it for both of my kiddos. I love that it can be worn as a crossbody or backpack, it is shallow enough that you can find everything and it has a bunch of pockets for each organization. Plus, it’s cute and stylish!

Bjorn Soft Mesh Bouncer – I had meant to order this over and over again for Charlie but never did! Charlie had terrible acid reflux and this chair came highly recommended for gassy babies who had stomach issues. It keeps them upright, fold flat for easy storage and it supposed to be crazy comfortable. 

Babyletto Lolly Crib – This is the crib we ordered for the new nursery! I can’t wait to share more with you. We have some fun projects happening for this room. I designed Charlie’s nursery without knowing if I we were having a boy or a girl and it has been fun to tackle this room in a full boy mindset. It is still pretty neutral and I love the natural wood/white combo of this crib. Charlie’s crib is a grey wood and I love the texture it brings to his room. We are adding a bunch of different texture elements to the new nursery. 

Plus, a few of our tried and true favorites that we still use for Charlie – like our Dohm sound machine, DoTerra Petal diffuser (read more about how we use essential oils here), a Drop Humidifier, Mustela baby products, Milkbarn jammies and Little Unicorn bath towels


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  1. The Dockatot was a 3am Amazon purchase and it was a lifesaver. My son had terrible reflux and was colicky. He went from not allowing us to put him down to sleep to sleeping full nights in the Dockatot. (My husband slept holding him in a recliner for weeks and I spent the majority of my maternity leave holding him – so no judgement on the Rock n Play. You do what you have to do.) I put the Dockatot in his crib to sleep at night and would carry it around to different rooms of the house for naps. I’ve loaned it out to all of my friends to try before buying when they’ve all had babies. ALL of them have purchased one. It’s not cheap but it’s definitely worth it.

  2. I have/LOVE my UppaBaby Vista and we have the converter clips for the Pipa carseat. I like that it can be a single or a double and love it. It’s not a side by side though if that’s what you were really wanting.

  3. Hi Liz! My husband and I are expecting our first (yah!) and am torn between strollers. Were you able to job with your CityMini? I love the stroller other than that concern. I am no marathon runner, but would like it to run a few miles if I can’t get to the gym! Thoughts? Thank you!

    1. We do jog with the City Mini GT but I know it is not recommended. Just to reiterate, we have the GT which has bigger/more all-terrain tires. They don’t recommend jogging with it because technically the tired aren’t as heavy duty/large as a typical jogger so I would say try at your own risk! I don’t think the regular City Mini would be good for jogging (smaller tires) but the GT works for us because we run slow and our runs are never longer than 3/4 miles.

  4. My baby slept in the rock n play for the first 10 WEEKS of her life and she’s completely fine 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you think of the dock a tot. Definitely on my list for the next baby!

  5. We love our dockatot- Ellie sleeps in it inside of the halo bassinet…it’s technically not “sleep-safe” but she likes to be snuggled in (she moves around too much in the bassinet by itself and wakes herself) and she’s right next to me so I feel comfortable with it. I considered the snoo as well but it seemed like a lot of money for a short period of time (and it turns out Ellie’s not a big fan of vibrating surfaces so might not have worked for us).

  6. Our dockatot was also an after baby purchase! Our first slept in a bassinet beside our bed and we had every intention of doing the same for our second, it just didn’t work out that way! So far it’s been a great purchase and worth the price tag.

    We also haven’t picked a double stroller yet. I just can’t decide what we will actually need. We have the vista and while I loved it with our first I think it’s going to be too heavy with two. I want something that easy to fold without taking it all apart. Oh decisions…

  7. i bought 2 bjorn bouncers for my twins and they were great for the first 7 months (until babies started crawling a ton). great to fold up and put in car and bring places for baby to sit (or even nap). very portable, machine washable, loved them!

    bought the deluxe R&P for twins – the ones where you have to plug in. we always ran extension cords which was annoying since the cords are SO short, but the deluxe ones you plug in were better than the battery operated ones that just vibrated. that’s where my twins napped during the day. and agree – no judgement. do what you gotta do!

    we just bought a double stroller 2 wks ago. went to the BBB in Lincoln Park and the options weren’t that great to test on IRL and said they have more options in Downers Grove, FYI. We went with the Peg Perego and so far, so good. We have the Uppa Baby Vista, but pain to have to bring seats AND brackets in the car now that our twins are out of carseats. I love that it has a lot of storage that’s easily accessible, moves/swivels very easily (we were spoiled by our Uppa), easy to collapse. And if you’re thinking of having a third, I liked that it has an attachable ride on board that can stay on while folded- we also have a 2.5yo. The other double stroller they had at BBB LP was the City Mini double and we thought the Peg was better, so maybe look into the Peg Perego Book for Two.

  8. We’ve bought so many of the same things for our first, due in early November! I want a Dockatot, but I just can’t justify the price, since we have soooo many things to buy. I could definitely see it being a middle of the night Amazon purchase, though.

    I was totally sold on the Puj until I read that it doesn’t work well in large sinks – you really need the edges of a smaller sink to keep it in place. We have a large farmhouse sink in our kitchen, and I don’t think either of our bathroom sinks would work (faucets would get in the way), so it ended up being a no-go for us. Our friends had an unused Moby Skip Hop tub that they passed along to us, so we’ll probably try that out or maybe get some kind of bath chair, since bending over to bathe the kiddo doesn’t sound super appealing to me, either.

  9. My son just turned 4 months, and we have been using the Snoo since he came home from the hospital! Our baby (also named Charlie) sleeps so well in it! I also feel at ease knowing what a safe place it is for him to sleep. It’s a game changer although I’m sure transitioning him out of it may be tricky 😯

  10. We LOVE the Dockatot! I bought it in desperation when my daughter was about two weeks old, and she’s still using it at 11 months! 😱 We are thinking about getting her the larger size, and are amazed she’s still comfy and cozy in the Deluxe. Favorite baby item for sure!

    I also have friends that use the Baby Jogger City Select as a double, but it’s not a side-by-side.

    Congrats on your new baby!

  11. I also have a little Charlie! We use and love the Fisher Price Rock and Play for naps and around the house and the Baby Bjorn bassinet next to the bed for sleep. I recommend checking it out! I love the pretty canopy you can add too. We just purchased the Uppababy double stroller and it’s great. I personally prefer an inline model for navigating store isles and sidewalks.

  12. Congrats on #2!! Not sure if you already have that humidifier…the only thing I don’t love about it is that it recommends you clean it daily. I found that if I went a day without cleaning then it got a bit of slime. Looking for a new one now.
    Also, if you are a sleep sack fan I am obsessed with the Woombie. My LO still sleeps in his with the arms out now of course. They are tight and make changing easy.

  13. We love the dockatot! Our baby is 6 weeks old and slept in it in a pack n play in our room for the first week or so. Now he sleeps in it in his crib in the nursery. I’m not sure if it’s luck, the dockatot or something else, but he started sleeping through the night at 4 weeks! Seems like it will be great for travel too! I also thought it was kind of ridiculous and expensive, but I’m so glad we registered for it!

  14. Great post! My son was in the Rock ‘N Play until he was 6 MONTHS – whoops! Whatever works! Also – the Bjorn bouncer is amazing! My son lived in that thing, and I would always say that I wish they made them in adult sizes 😉

    1. We have a 10 day old and bought the Snoo. It has been amazing. We have said over and over again we would pay double for it. Love the safety features- that puts my mind at ease. We started using it night 1. I cannot recommend it enough!

  15. We got the dock a tot and our 2 month old sleeps in it in her crib. She also slept in the rock n play first just like our son – I definitely recommend the dock!

  16. Hi! We just bought the Citi Mini GT double stroller and love it. It’s as easy to maneuver as the single but it’s just a little heavier. My only complaint is that we had to buy another adapter specific to the double stroller; the one we had for the single GT doesn’t work.

  17. I second Melissa’s comments about the Dock A Tot. We had our baby in it between us in bed until 5 weeks then put him in his crib with it. I also carry him from room to room while he’s in it. We took a road trip when he was 6 weeks and the Dock was great, he slept either in bed with us or we put it on the desk in the hotel room. I slid a munchkin changing pad inside the Dock to protect the pad from pee.

  18. We used the Grano Dream glider and loved it! I liked that it was almost flat but could be elevated if need be. It fit fairly well in our room and could be moved(it went on two road trips with us) without too much effort. When my son was first in it, we let it rock all the time and then gradually decreased how long he rocked as we prepared to transition him to his crib. I really think because it was flat it helped him transition to his crib with very little trouble. It was a great price point too.

  19. Can’t wait to see what you’re doing in Nursery #2! I am due about 2 months after you and know your aesthetic will be welcome inspiration 🙂

  20. Hi Liz,
    I loved your post about what you’re buying for baby #2! My sister is due with her third and I wanted your opinion on the number 1 thing you think would be needed for baby and/or mama! I would love to get her something special but also maybe something to make life easier.

  21. This is such a great list! We use the Ubbi Diaper Pail and I love the look more than ANY diaper pail out there, but I cannot seem to keep the scent controlled! We change the bag twice a week and still! Arm & Hammer baking soda inserts did not do anything either. Would love to know if anyone has any tips for this! (or if you figure any out in the months to come 🙂 )