Outfit details:
Velvet Peplum Top (wearing a small, a few sizes here and here), Ingrid & Isabel Maternity Jeans, Chanel Flats (similar here), Sonix Sunglasses (50% off!), Old Navy Bag
Happy Friday! I’m sending you a virtual coffee cheers through my computer. By the way, what is your go-to coffee order? Mine is usually just black coffee with a splash of half and half. Nothing crazy! When I go to Starbucks I usually get a regular latte or a chai tea latte with almond milk – mmm. On to this week’s coffee talk, so many good questions!
What is your favorite vacation spot? Or where would you like to go on vacation?
This varies so much! In terms of favorite spots that I’ve traveled to – Telluride, Sun Valley, Idaho (seen here and here), St. Lucia (seen here), Lucerne, Switzerland, Turks & Caicos, Kauai, Paris, Prague, Nantucket, Kennebunkport, Maine.
Where do I want to go? The Amalfi Coast, Banff and Alberta in British Columbia (would love to do this with Dave in the spring!), London, back to Paris. Dave and I both love being outdoors, we love to eat, we love to read a book on the beach…I am partial to a cute café. Our ideas of vacations/travel can vary.
However, trips and vacations are very different to me. My favorite vacations have been Sun Valley with Dave and Kauai with my family (before I was even married). Both of those felt like true vacations!
Have you had any different symptoms/cravings/morning sickness being pregnant the second time around? And if so, do you have any tips to help offset these pregnancy symptoms?
This pregnancy has been long but it has also been a blur. Like my pregnancy with Charlie, I felt pretty nauseous throughout my first trimester. Otherwise, it has probably been the same! The only difference is that I can’t rest as much as I would my first pregnancy. By the end of the day I am exhausted. My back hurts, my hips hurt. I can tell my circulation isn’t as great. My legs feel a little more swollen and they fall asleep when I’m stretching, ha. Everything just kind of hurts and I think that is because I am chasing a crazy toddler around. My biggest suggestion is to keep moving (even if it is just walks around your neighborhood), this really helps with swelling. Drink as much water as you can! Go to sleep early and remind yourself that it’s ok to take a break. Pregnancy is HARD on your body.
What do new moms really want as far as baby gifts go? And is Dave getting you a push present?
Hm…I would say the most important gifts were personal (like my mom’s best friend got us framed photos for Charlie’s nursery from The Animal Print Shop) or things that you actually need – like a diaper pale, a changing pad, onesies, the Fisher Price Rock n’ Play.
Dave is most likely not getting me a push present. He didn’t get me one with Charlie and I didn’t ask for one either. Although it may seem like this business is all about material things and spending money, Dave is a HUGE SAVER which in turn has helped me become a big saver too. I am really proud of us and what we’ve accomplished over the past few years thanks to saving our pennies. No push present necessary! Kind of leading into the next question…
My boyfriend and I live together and are on the path to marriage, but talking about combining finances can be a bit uncomfortable. How did you and Dave merge your finances and what conversations did you have leading up to it? Do you follow a budget now and do you check-in with each other before making large purchases?
I was so so scared of this. Dave and my situation is a little different because we are both entrepreneurs. We make our own money, have our own business accounts, our own insurance, etc. Before we were married, I never paid myself unless is was to send money for rent, bills or personal credit card statements. Everything stayed in my business to pay for taxes, business expenses…the list goes on. Dave was kind of in the same boat – only paying himself for personal things without really “saving” anything (again, all of our “saved” money was in our businesses).
I was terrified for Dave to see what I spent on my CC. Mostly because this business feeds off of new arrivals and sharing what I buy/love which means I’m constantly investing in my own business. Also, guys just don’t get it when it comes to female spending. However, combining our bank accounts has been hugely beneficial for both of us. We have invested more money, saved more money and Dave holds me accountable. It’s also been a huge relief doing our taxes together because there are no secrets there! We both contribute a specific amount to our personal bank account a month (to pay bills) and we have separate accounts for Charlie and for savings that we deposit into each month as well. Dave goes over my Quickbooks (for my business) with me and is always pretty aware of what is coming in/going out. I’ve realized it is better to keep open communication.
As the weather begins to turn more fall-like, where do you go for boots, statement jackets and sweaters?
For boots I love – Frye, J.Crew, Loeffler Randall, Joie, Stuart Weitzman and Rag & Bone. For statement jackets I love – J.Crew, Club Monaco, ASOS. For sweaters I love – White + Warren, Joie, Club Monaco, Everlane, Cuyana and J.Crew. You can scroll through a few of my favorite items for the season here…
We’re thinking about getting a dog in the city. What do you think we’re the biggest pro’s and con’s of adding a furry friend to the mix? And how did you get Webster to be so good off leash? Any favorite spots to take him to roam in the city?
The puppy phase is tough but otherwise I saw no con’s! Maybe aside from finding a sitter when we would travel? Otherwise, oddly enough one of us has always worked from home so we never needed a dog walker/day care for Webster. Also, Webster is a RARE BREED of chocolate lab. He is seriously the laziest, most shy, terrified pup. He loves all humans, scared of his own shadow and always uncertain about other dogs. He wants to be by us at all times which is why he does so well off the leash. Dave was like a miracle trainer and made Webster an amazing listener. If we raise our voices when Charlie does something bag (like take an orange crayon down our entire stair runner #uglycryface), Webster gets so worried. He just always wants to do good. Since we lived in Lincoln Park for 9 years there were so many spots to take Webster. We always lived somewhat near the water so our morning consisted of long walks along the lake or swims at North Avenue Beach. We also lived across the street from OZ Park for 5.5 years so he was a staple there, too!
Do you ever get facials, and if so, do you have any recommendations for places to go in Chicago?
I love the Triple Oxygen Facial at Bliss Spa or any service at the Langham.
What are your go to brands for date night looks?
I love to find cute tops or dresses at Club Monaco, Tuckernuck, ASOS, Revolve, Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters! Usually paired with a leather jacket and flats/heels or maybe jeans and OTK boots. I’m linking a few favorite date night looks below…
Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? What about Dave? How do these dynamics play into your relationship/marriage?
Dave is 100% an extrovert in the best way possible. He is everyone’s best friend – the most friendly, optimistic human who is genuinely interested in everyone’s life. If it were up to Dave we would constantly be surrounded by friends. With age, I think I am slowly becoming more of an introvert. I love seeing my friends but quiet time spent with my family has become higher on the totem pole for me. When we met I would say that I was more of an extrovert but even Dave notices that I’m turning into more of a hermit 🙂 I think generally we balance each other out. He pulls me out of my comfort zone and I help him to slow down. We both have our moments.
Would love your take on a good winter jacket. I am up for spending a little money but so sick of seeing the Canada Goose logo! Any ideas?
Moncler and Mackage coats are supposed to be crazy warm (but also can cost a pretty penny). I have the Patagonia 3-in-1 parka (bought last year) and it is amazing! I love that you get the puffy layer and the wind protective shell. It kept me warm all winter long.
I recently got engaged and have started with wedding planning. I live in a fairly small apartment not sure when we are going to get a house. I was wondering if you had any recommendations on how to handle a wedding registry or what your strategy was for that.
Wedding registries are definitely overwhelming! We were lucky that my parents lived in the suburbs so we actually had all of our gift shipped to them. Especially since we lived in an apartment and didn’t really need everything. Dave and I actually didn’t pick up majority of the items until we moved to the suburbs! My parents stored our gifts on the second floor of their garage.
In the grand scheme of things, wedding registries feel kind of silly but it is an amazing time to prepare for your future (and allows your loved ones to help piece together your future home!). I would say register for what’s important – appliances, nice knives and everyday dishes. Everything else is easy to buy/has to be replaced quickly anyways (backing sheets, pot holders, tupperware, etc.).
What are you finding you need for the new baby- I love all your gear recs but do you have a list of staples you need to buy more of for baby #2?
On my list to buy: a new bath tub (thinking of this one), Gerber onesies, another Dohm sound machine, a bassinet (really want to try the SNOO!), a new baby carrier (thinking of trying the Solly or the Boba – we already own the Ergo 360 and the Baby Bjorn) and some updates to my breast pump!
Have you ever had a bad experience with a company you are partnered with and if so, how did you handle it? Would you come out and say it was bad or do you have to keep it to yourself so that other companies don’t have to worry about you saying negative things?
I truly haven’t! I am very selective when it comes to working with brands. Truth be told, I probably say “no” 80% of the time. I always want to ensure that it is a brand that I respect, would genuinely wear/try/use myself and is in line with my personal aesthetic. I think to avoid situations like this happening, I say “no” from the beginning.
Send me your questions for next week via email with the subject “Coffee with Liz” or comment on my latest instagram!