Charlie is officially 5 months old and in the last couple of months it feels like he has officially outgrown the newborn stage and is on the verge of becoming a toddler (not really but it just goes so quickly!). Dave and I constantly catch ourselves watching videos from those first few weeks with him and we are in shock at how much he changes week after week. So much so that half of the things we used and loved in the first three months either have no interest to him now, don’t seem to do as much as I thought they did or we have found even better products to replace old favorites. I wanted to share all of the products that we are using and loving lately (in no particular order)…
We love Aveeno products for baby. Our nighttime routine consists of a bath about 45 minutes before bedtime and the calming lavender wash is our favorite. It definitely sets the mood for sleep! We also use the lotion as a massage before Charlie gets in his pajamas.
Speaking of setting the mood for sleep, I had posted on my snapchat that Charlie was going through the 4 month sleep repression HARD. A follower recommended that I use a diffuser with essential oils and it has been a game changer in our nighttime routine. We use the DoTerra diffuser and Gentle Baby oil. Not only has this helped get Charlie to sleep but it has also helped to regulate his digestive system.
I am slowly weaning from nursing to formula full time for Charlie since he was diagnosed with acid reflux and we need to make sure that he is getting enough ounces a day. We use and love the Avent natural bottles and makes the transition between the two really easy. Charlie is also reaching for our food so I think it may be time to start him on some solids – any suggestions on good ways to introduce this?
Charlie is not a fan of tummy time and we are working to strengthen his neck so he can figure out how to roll over (when does this start??). We use the Bumbo seat and it is great for keeping him upright, strengthening his neck muscles and helping him to interact with items. When we put Charlie on his tummy we use this Youtube video of nursery rhymes to keep him distracted!
Charlie plays with 4 toys. His BlaBlaKids cow rattle ( he LOVES this thing, especially when he is on his changing table),
Items in our diaper bag: this light up toy, Babyganics baby wipes (that can be used on face and hands, too), these pacifier wipes (life savers), an extra change of clothes, and a changing pad.
We are still using and loving the products I mentioned in this post! Just wanted to share a few new favorites. Have a wonderful weekend, friends!