Shop over 10 years ago by Liz Adams

Travel Essentials

In-Flight-Essentials-FeaturedSequins & Stripes Travel EssentialsI don’t know about you guys but I am a freak when it comes to flying. Last time I flew to Europe I had seven {7!!} panic attacks on our flight there and if that is any indication of how a typical flight goes for me, well then you can understand why no one likes to fly with me. First of all, I hate the lack of control. I am putting my life into the hands of someone I don’t know and that alone terrifies me, but my main issue is claustrophobia – the small seats and stale air really really get to me. So with that in mind, I’m really looking forward to our flight in a week {kind of…}, and thanks to a few travel essentials above I’ve learned to control my anxiety and calm down {with the help of a drink, or three}. Note, I know in the comments at least one person is bound to suggest a drug for my anxiety, but I have a really sensitive stomach and everything I have tried has made me sick. Bummer.

Ok on to my essentials! Like I said above, the dry air on airplanes really messes with my head. It’s what starts the feeling of being unable to catch my breath, itchy, dry, and just needing to escape {haha can anyone relate to this or am I crazy?}. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered a few products to help me combat this feeling – products that help me feel refreshed in an otherwise stale situation. First off, hand lotion. I like to reach for a fresh, citrus scent {this kit is perfect for travel} that immediately calms me down. About halfway through the flight, I pull out a quick facial peel {these are my favorite, but these are very similar} to give my skin a little wake up call, immediately followed by some face oil to provide some intense moisture. If you’re not a fan of face oils, this First Aid Liquid Recovery does the job, too! {I always have it in my purse for long days}. These two easy steps literally feel like a mid-flight facial. I always like to have a bottle of Evian Facial Spray on hand for those moments when I start to panic, the mist immediately calms me down and makes me feel rejuvenated {kind of like the feeling of jumping into a cool pool on a hot day}. Finally, before we land I like to put a little life back into my face with my favorite Bobbi Brown Rouge which adds color to both lips and cheeks, and the Soothing Balm gives a blast of moisture to dry spots. All of the items can easily be packed into a carry on, or my cosmetic case which fits perfectly in my purse. 5 items that have really helped change the way I feel about flying.

In addition to these products, I am all about comfort when I’m in the air. A pair of slouchy pants, a cashmere sweater, and a comfortable pair of loafers – all stylish and cozy at the same time. And who could forget about our tech necessities – give me a pair of headphones and my iPad and I’m good to go!

Shop the post:

1  Lavender Hand Cream  2  Frends Taylor Headphones  3  M-61 Power Glow Peel  4  Goodnight Macaroon Printed Pants  5  Estee Lauder Nutritious Essence Face Oil  6  Apple iPad Air  7  Evian Facial Water Spray  8  Equipment Cashmere Sweater {Everlane makes the best cashmere, too!}  9  Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks + Extra Soothing Balm  10  Sole Society Flats

in flight image via William Eggleston

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  1. Safe travels on your flight! I have been traveling on planes since I was six so I never know what its like for others who aren’t as comfortable, you’ve put together a great guide, I’m sure it will work. Plus you have beautiful Europe to look forward to!

  2. Totally with you on the flying and anxiety thing. I have to take a xanax but always helps when I try to concentrate on something else…

  3. Love this post! Great idea about the facial spray. I’m going to have to try that. Have you tried kestrel bags? Those are my new favs to travel with. I’m obsessed with this double zip clutch thing for the plane and their totes….also probably their weekenders. Like I said, obsessed! You should check them out!

  4. Love this! Eggleston was also one of my favorite photographers to study in college – nice choice!

    xo, Reg

  5. I just got a sample of those M-61 peels and fell in love. So jealous of your trip to Europe! I’m planning one for 2015 with my boyfriend.. where are you and Dave going?

  6. Contrary to popular belief, facial mists are actually a bad idea (if the purpose is to hydrate your skin) for mid-flight. Moisture acts like a magnet so it attracts the moisture and water out of your skin and vanishes into the dry cabin air. Your skin will be left tight, dry and dehydrated…best to forgo but peels are a good idea!

  7. Liz:
    Although I do not suffer from panic attacks the long flights get to me too.
    I always bring tiger balm, that I use on my temples and along my hair line. It has a nice menthol feeling that calms me down. I also recommend nasal gel that keep your sinuses moisturized. Sounds weird but you just put a little inside your nose and you don’t get that dry feeling.
    Have a great trip!

  8. I am right there with you! Flying TERRIFIES me for the exact reasons you mentioned. Hopefully someday I’ll be brave enough to try the big transatlantic flight…hope you have so much fun I. Europe!

  9. I love this post. I completelyyyy understand the flying anxiety – I am with ya. Can’t wait to try out some of these tips to help. xoxo

  10. Love the items! And totally agree on the lotion, my hands always get super dry! I’ve been traveling since I was less than a year old, still have my first TWA wings, so lots of dry hands lol. Enjoy your vaca! Also if you like ginger. Get some ginger chews. They’re the best for when you get a bit flight sickness. Kid they’re yummy! 🙂

  11. I am so glad I am not the only one, I used to travel a lot when I was younger but the older I get the worse it gets … I think as you I feel slightly stuck in a small area … and the lack of control! I have landed yesterday from a 7h flight from London to NYC I am glad it all went well for once lol good luck! xo

  12. I’m the same way and fortunately can stomach Xanax. I’ll be packing some of that on my trip to Europe this summer.
    I’ve found that making sure you’re taking B vitamins before helps manage some of it. Also anything that smells like lavender!

  13. You created the perfect list of travel essentials. I can’t tell you how many times I apply hand lotion and facial mist when traveling.