Holidays over 12 years ago by Liz Adams

Thank You

My mom emailed me this quote a few weeks back and it seemed appropriate to share with you today. On this Thanksgiving, I would like to say thank you for the health of my loved ones {utterly grateful}, a family that loves me unconditionally, my siblings, an incredible support system, a warm bed to sleep in at night, the ability to cook meals for myself, the warm cup of coffee I get to enjoy every morning, hot showers, the opportunity to do something that I love, my clients, my puppy who thinks that I am the greatest person in the whole world, and for this virtual world of friends that keeps me going day after day. My life and days would not be the same without you. Thank you for your incredible and continued support. I hope you have the chance to enjoy today with your loved ones and be thankful for  your miracles. xo
{heart image via}